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Scents of the Season Party
by Donna Bayes
Through our wonderful e-mail network, I received a holiday party format credited to NSD Sherril Steinman. I took the terrific sizzling sentences she used and turned them into "labels" that can be printed on regular address labels (avery 8560), and then peeled off and pasted onto a Look Book to be used as your "flip chart."
I believe you can figure out where each label goes in your book.
The first four go on the inside front cover of the book.
The next two go on page 3 near the bottom.
On page 8, I numbered the Twinkle label #1, and the Heart label #2. You will put a third label on this page later over by the minature collection.
On page 26 and 27, I numbered the labels, also, for quick reference while doing a party. And added little arrows pointing to the products the labels refer to.
Pages 28 and 29 are also numbered. Note that the last label on that page, which I placed right under the picture of Tribute for Men and Quattro, is referring to the minatures on page 9. Have customers flip back to page 9, where I placed the label about minatures.
On page 19 I've placed the remainder of all the labels in two columns, which finishes the party and closes the class.
I also changed the hostess credit and specials on the closing sheet to reflect the current company suggestions.