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Mental BATH
Take a Mental Bath!
Million Dollar Director, Queen of the Diamond Seminar, Tammy Crayk developed this concept and the tracking sheet! It increased her consultants' success and their unit success almost 100%!
She designed this after looking at what Top Directors did to build their businesses strong from the very beginning as a consultant! She realized there were 4 key things that all top consultants did:
1. B- Bookings - Lots of Bookings (consultant must get a booking a day )
2. A- Affirmations- Said their Affirmation daily or made an affirmation tape and listened to it several times a day.
3. T- Tapes - Listened to Motivational Tapes, Training Tapes, or read from a motivational book 15-20 minutes daily.
4. H- Hello - Checked in with their Director daily by phone or hotline.
She named this a mental bath! You must do all 4 things daily for 30 consecutive days - no misses. Bookings can be counted ahead. (Ex. 3 bookings at a class could count for a booking for 3 days, but booking time DAILY is really important for best results!) Everything else had to be done daily for 30 days. Once the habit is formed, your success is guaranteed!