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Chocolate Marketing
This is fun, filling, and fantastic!

Here's what you do.
Buy 5 small boxes of Chocolate Candy (Wal-mart or Dollar Store has for about $1 )
Select 5 people you would like to share the opportunity with.Go over the Chocolate Marketing Plan with them and give them the facts.
Have them answer the questions and sign their name.
Sign your name and return 5 completed forms to me and win a prize!
If their interest level is A, B, or C, I'll interview them for you.

Dear friend,
I know you are wondering about the box of chocolates.  Well, let me explain.  The company has asked me to share our wonderful marketing plan with 10 people this month.  You noticed I said “share.”  Mary Kay may be for you or it may not, but until you hear what we are all about, you will never know.  

Just read over the enclosed “Chocolate Delight - Business Evaluation”, answer the questions, complete your name, etc and return to me.  That's it!  As my thank you - you get to keep the box of chocolates and will also receive a $5 credit on your next order just for giving me your time and opinion.

Thank you!

Chocolate Delight - Business Evaluation
Please allow me to introduce you to some calorie-free indulgence … OK, so we're going to splurge a little, but after all, Mary Kay is like a box of chocolates … you never know what you're going to get!  Oh, and by the way, it's been said that if you share chocolate in the company of a friend, the calories simply don't count!  So, enjoy!

C is for “CASH” (how we earn $$ in Mary Kay)  You can benefit from 5 main avenues of instant income:
On The Face - classes, facials, shows/parties),
On The Go - takes only 15 minutes, requires little education, tempt, don't teach,
Online - have customers visit your web site (created for you by Mary Kay!),
On Paper - our Look brochure beautifully showcases our product line, and our Preferred Customer Program keeps your customers up to date on our new products,
On With The Show - similar to On the Face, just an alternative product presentation where guests do not have to take their makeup off, but will demo products on their hands, etc. The more guests invited the merrier.  
We are the highest paid direct selling company and because of our “try before you buy” philosophy, the products actually sell themselves.  Sales are our daily paychecks!  Sharing the career is your profit sharing.  By sharing you can receive 4%-9%-13% commission checks on personal recruit product purchases.  Commissions are paid directly to you from the company.
If I could show you how, would you be interested in earning some extra spending money?  (  ) YES  (  ) NO
Would you be excited about paying yourself what you're worth?  (  ) YES  (  ) NO

H is for “Hours” (flexibility)
In Mary Kay you decide how many hours YOU want to work and when you want to work them.  Most of the women in our sales force work another full or part-time job and have children at home as well.
Do you have enough time with your family, doing the things you enjoy? (  ) YES  (  ) NO
Do you feel you are paid well enough for the hours you currently work each week? (  ) YES  (  ) NO

O is for “OPPORTUNITY” (unlimited)
You get to enjoy the benefit of being your own boss.  Although you are in business FOR yourself, you are never BY yourself.  Ultimately, you make all of your own business decisions with the entire corporation behind you to support and provide you with benefits!  Mary Kay is listed as one of the 10 best companies for women to work for in the United States.  You can achieve a top management position in as little as 4 months.
Wouldn't it be exciting to know that you could control your own future? (  ) YES  (  ) NO
Would this kind of self-promotion motivate you to work? (  ) YES  (  ) NO

C is for “CAR” (color options)
This is an executive style reward you can choose for yourself on even a part-time basis.  We refer to our Mary Kay cars as our “trophies on wheels” and our significant others just love this benefit!
If someone gave you the use of a brand new FREE car, would you be inclined to take it? (  ) YES  (  ) NO
Which vehicle would you select? (  ) A sporty Grand Am, (  ) Wide track Grand Prix, or (  ) Exquisite Cadillac?

O is for “OODLES OF FUN”
LIVE, LOVE, and LAUGH is one of my favorite Mary Kay philosophies!  We literally make money while we “play makeup”.  In Mary Kay, P&L statements stand for PEOPLE and LOVE, not profit and loss!  
Could you be interested in having a career you loved so much you'd do it for FREE? (  ) YES  (  ) NO
Do you have a giant inside you, SCREAMING to get out? (  ) YES  (  ) NO
Is your current J-O-B, fun, fun, fun? (  ) YES  (  ) NO
Are you completely satisfied there? (  ) YES  (  ) NO

L is for “LOVE” (spirit of sharing)
Our company was built on the foundations of
God first, family second, & career third - allowing us to keep a balance in lives while working a successful career;  
Go-Give- doing more for others than you do for yourself, and on the
Golden Rule - “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  
Does you current employer endorse these kinds of philosophies? (  ) YES  (  ) NO
Is personalized service a quality that appeals to you? (  ) YES  (  ) NO
Are you a “team player”? (  ) YES  (  ) NO

A is for “AWARDS” (and recognition)
We recognize and reward everything you do in your business, with a strong belief in “praising women to success.”  Mary Kay always prided herself on giving prizes that women simply would not justify going out and buying for themselves!
When was the last time you were given a prize or a round of applause, just for doing your job? ____________
Could you get motivated by gifts, including elegant diamond rings and fabulous trips? (  ) YES (  ) NO
How would you feel if you never had to make another car payment? ____________________

T is for “TAX ADVANTAGES” (small business)
As a small business owner, you may take advantage of many in home tax deductions.  In Mary Kay, there are no sales quotas or territory rules to follow.  This is truly a “no pressure” business.  You may be eligible to write off a portion of your mortgage, utilities, telephone, office expenses, travel, car expenses. etc.
Could you get excited about the benefits for you and your family if you were able to reduce your income tax payable each year? (  ) YES (  )NO
Approximately how much do you feel that you spend on your family's cosmetic items each year? $_______

E is for “ESTEEM” (personal growth)
In Mary Kay, we build up your self-esteem through step-by-step education and support which gives you the confidence you need to grow a profitable business.  Our personal growth program is truly priceless and the most precious gift that Mary Kay has given me.
Would you be interested in receiving education that is equal to college level courses in marketing, communications, and small business management? (  ) YES (  ) NO
Would you be inspired to “earn while you learn?”  (  ) YES (  ) NO

C   H   O   C   O   L   A   T   E

Which letter is YOUR favorite?_____  Why?______________________________________________________

Where would your interest level be relative to choosing Mary Kay as a part-time position for yourself?

Circle One:       
A   Absolutely, I'm ready to get started with my $100 Starter Kit
B   Buy me a cup of coffee and answer my questions
C   Call me for the next Mary Kay event
D   Definitely not!  I'd rather pay full price for the rest of my life.

Name_____________________________________ Address________________________________________

City___________________  ST___  ZIP_______   Phone H#_________________ W#__________________

Best time to contact you _____________________  E-mail___________________________

Your Consultant's Name___________________________