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12 Day JumpStart
Every day for 12 days you will complete a special challenge. The rules are simple:

Complete one challenge a day.  Do not skip a day on double up.  Consistency is the key.
You may choose to work 12 days straight or you can skip Saturday and Sunday and start again on Monday.
Contact your Director (e-mail or call) after each day to tell her that you completed your challenge for that day. Let her know the results.

Complete all 12 days, following the 3 rules above and you will receive loads of recognition and a special surprise prize! Call me if you're unsure how to do any of the challenges.

____  Day 1  Hand out 1 beauty book/Look Book and arrange to attend your area Mary Kay meeting.  Call your Director.

____  Day 2  Demo Satin Hands on 2 people. Call your Director.

____  Day 3  Make 3 booking attempts using the scripts.  Call your Director.

____  Day 4  Hand out 4 business cards and get names and numbers back.  Call your Director.

____  Day 5  Complete 5 Skin Care Surveys.  Call your Director.

____  Day 6  Make 6 business phone calls (any kind, but follow-up on the surveys would be good.)  Call your Director.

____  Day 7  Write down 7 nice things about yourself and mail them to your Director.  Call her, too.

____  Day 8  Call 8 people to book a practice interview--(results aren't important.)  Call your Director.

____  Day 9  Send a note to 9 people telling them how they are special to you.  Call your Director.

____  Day 10  Sell at least 10 items today!  Call your Director.

____  Day 11  Hand out 1 business card, 1 "Something More" or "Choices" tape or book 1 interview, demo 2 satin hands treatments, book 3 selling appointments, and complete 4 skin care surveys (whew! That's 11 things!)

____  Day 12  Hand out 4 business cards (get back 4 filled out cards), make 6 business phone calls, book 1 interview and take 1 HOT BATH!! Call your Director and sing with JOY!  You did it!!