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Recruiting Odds and Guests To Meetings

Odds of Recruiting and Tips for Getting Guests to Meetings

The simplest and most important example in our business is the fact that the person who asks the most people for facials, classes or interviews will move up the ladder of success faster and strongest! The law of averages tells us that out of every ten women you ask to listen to the MK opportunity, approximately five will say yes. When five say yes, usually three or four actually really listen. Out of these, one will sign up. Therefore it takes ten asking to recruit one person!!

If you ask only one person per month, you will probably recruit one every ten months, or 1 1/5 recruits each year!

If you ask only one person per week, you will probably recruit one every ten weeks, or five new business associates per year!

If you ask 2 people per week, you will probably recruit one every five weeks, or ten new business associates per year!

If you ask five people each week, you will probably recruit one every 2 weeks, or twenty-five new business associates per year-Queens Court of Recruiting!

If you ask 10 people each week, you will recruit one every week, or fifty new business associates per year! How many are you talking to? DARE TO SHARE!

Now let's look at these Tips for Getting Guests to Meetings:

Never work on just one or two people. If they can't make it, you'll be depressed. Work on a list of people of at least five, preferable 10...Your chances of having guests at the event become greater.

Be prepared to go and pick them up. It doesn't matter how far out of the way they are! You should be willing to go get them.

Decide what you are going to say before you pick up the phone to invite them.

Always start your conversation with a sincere compliment to your prospective guest.
 Which one would apply? (Get her attention)
You were the best hostess I had this week
You are my favorite customer
Of all the ladies I gave facials to this week, you impressed me the most.
I watched you at the class and can't get you off my mind. Have you ever thought about doing what I do? I think you'd be great!
Then…”We have something special going on this week and I would like to take you as my special guests and introduce you to all my Mary Kay Friends. Is there any reason I couldn't pick you up Monday evening?"

Recruits are team members because somebody asked them and got them to something. If you want to share our opportunity, you must ask properly. If you have tried and haven't been successful, don't give up. What if someone had given up on YOU!

Make it your goal to always have 5 yeses each week.  It pays!!!