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Discoveries About Success
by Deb Pike, FNSD

After being a Million $ Director in Mary Kay twice and now a soon-to-be
NSD, I want to share with you some of my discoveries about Success in MK and in Life.

1. People who show up, go up! Consultants who never miss their Success
Meeting and take guests will go up! It's inevitable. Do this consistently, and I guarantee you will move up! Wow! What a guarantee!

2. Success is inconvenient. It will not happen by accident. You must be willing to make the difference happen and make your datebook fill up. Yes, you must coach your hostesses, thoroughly, follow up, etc.

3. People tell me that I'm lucky! I want you to know, the harder one works, the luckier she gets. However, giving MK makeovers and having fun with this business is not work! Its my passion! It can become your passion also. Get your mind off of yourself and on to helping others and you will go up.

4. Do not take 'NO' personally. When someone tells me, no, it means not right now. Or....she does not get it. It does not mean she does not like me. Remember, this is a numbers game. Are you asking 10 new people a day?

5. When someone loves this product, I remember that she has friends, relatives, co-workers and acquaintances that I do not know. It is up to me to  bribe her with a little gift for 5-10 of those names and phone numbers. Those are called referrals. All successful people in business understand the importance of referrals.

6. You become like the 5 people you hang out with most. That is why your weekly meetings are important to your attitude and your movement in an upward direction. Make sure you select mentors who are where you want to be. They will be your cheerleaders. I would never ask someone how to make $100,000+ a year, if they did not make that amount. Go to people in your business who can show you how.

7. Activity cures negativity. When you are in front of a customer, a prospect, a recruit potential or a new recruit, you will be energized, paid a profit, and excited about your business. Inactivity produces the opposite effect.

8. When you do not do your business on any given day, you have fired yourself for that day. You are unemployed. Its up to you. Employed, or unemployed. You own a business. Open the doors daily.

9. Set a goal! Without a goal with a deadline you are assured of ending up wherever life takes you, instead of where you really want to be. What is your goal right now? Call me and tell me so I can cheer you on!

10. Be a Woman of your Word. WOW! Be Impeccable with your Word. If you would not say that, do that, or wear that in front of Mary Kay Ash, then
don't do it, say it, or wear it. If you say you will deliver a product today, then do it. If you say you will call someone back tomorrow, then do it. Be sure to return all phone calls within 24 hours no matter what. There is absolutely no excuse for not returning phone calls. Be a Professional and show courtesy to all who call you.