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Quick Sales Ideas
Ideas by Mary Beth Pavuk
Mascara Mania Sale
Tell everyone that you are in a contest to sell the most mascara in your unit in a one week period. Tell them your goal is to sell 100 mascara's in one week or 20 in one day!

Always tell people your goal and always make it HUGE! If you say you want to sell 20 in one week people are more likely to say no because they feel that you can easily reach that without their help.

$5 Friday
If you aren't doing this then you need to start. I do a lot of sales this way along with building my customer base. Here's how it works:

Choose some items that you have that cost around $5 and put them into a basket. Carry the basket everywhere you go on Fridays. When people ask you what's in the basket tell them it is $5 Friday and that anything in the basket is $5. They look through the basket and this gives you the opportunity to ask them if they currently have a Mary Kay consultant. I carry my business cards and give them out as well as samples of the newest products and, of course, TimeWise! . Make sure you are getting their names
for your preferred customer list. I have had a lot of women tell me that their consultant is no longer in business and they have been looking for someone.

Since I started this in October I have added 16 new basic customers this way along with many more on the spot orders. If you need suggestions on what to put in the $5 Friday basket, I use some of the Limited Edition things that I have that I am trying to clear out. Like last fall's colors and Christmas things. I also managed to get in on the Founders Day Sale and got some items to use in my $5 Friday basket. Nail polish works great, eye color,
hand cream. I usually make over $150 each Friday and I have such a faithful Friday clientele that they get upset at me when I forget to bring the basket on Fridays!

Offer a half off item
When my customers call with a reorder I take their order and then ask them if they are interested in my half off item of the month. Each month I choose on item that I am overstocked in or trying
to clear out and offer it to my reorder customers at half off when they reorder.

I only offer it after they have placed an order and I only offer it on
reorders over $20. Also make sure that you have an alternate half off item.

If my customer orders what I have as my half off item I use the alternate half off item instead. This will bump up your sales and get your customers to try more of our product line. This would be a great way to introduce your customers to the new Calming Influence, Lumineyes, or Spot Solution.