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Facial Box Booking
A great way to increase bookings is to place "facial boxes" or sign-up boxes at local businesses, restaurants, and home shows and fairs.

I actually became a Director with leads I received from my facial boxes that I had out and about.  I always tried to keep 3 out at a time. Some got thrown away, others got stuffed with fake names, but there was always that one name that was legit that held their facial or class and led me to other women.

Some of my best places were a dance studio, a dry cleaners counter, and a laundry mat.  (I got the most names and the worst names at the laundry mat. Kids would stuff the box with other kids' names, but I also got one or two really good names from this source.)  My best leads were from the dance studio.

Here's a good script to use when calling the names:

"Hi, Sue, my name is Donna Bayes.  I'm calling to let you know that you won something from a basket you registered for at the home show.  I'm a consultant with Mary Kay and I just drew your name to win a makeover and a $10 gift certificate.  Congratulations! Grab your calendar and lets set a date."

Schedule close in--no further out than 3 days.
Mail a postcard reminder if further out than 3 days
Call and confirm.

Remember, facial boxes are a great "filler" but they should only be fillers.  Learn to book a new class from each class you hold and you'll always be in business.  Better yet, book two classes from each class and you'll never have to worry about postponements (book twice as many classes as you want to hold, because we always have postponements to deal with).

More Ideas

When you have a Fish Bowl or comparable situation, and you have lots of "names" to call that you don't know, you will want a "script" of what to say. Usually these are people that have "registered" for a gift of some sort that you have offered.
I always call the winner of the "gift" first to congratulate her and schedule a time to deliver it (and give her a facial of course!) and then I get to the mound of names that are left - these are "all" 2nd prize winners!

Here is what I say when I get a "live person" on the phone:

"Hi _____, this is Angelee Murray and you had registered for a gift basket at the ________ (tanning salon, etc) , last week! Do you have a quick minute? Great! The reason I am calling is to let you know that you have won 2nd prize! ( she answers). I knew you would be super excited! You have won a customized skin care and glamour makeover along with your choice of a (lipstick, eye color, etc) of your choice at the time of your makeover! What' s good for you, ____, the beginning of the week or the end? Great! Tuesday or Thursday? (etc etc). Would you like to meet alone, just the two of us, or would you like to share your makeover with some girlfriends and win some extra free product - I could do up to 6 and I would bring a treat for each of them too!- what's best for you - just us or a you and a friend or two? Great! (and etc)"

If I just get machines:

"Hi, ____, this is Angelee Murray and I am calling to let you know that you have won 2nd prize in the drawing that you entered at the (tanning salon) last week. I knew you would be excited! Give me a call at (555-5555) and we can arrange to meet. Have a great day!"