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FAQ Dynasty Queens
If a customer calls ME for product, does that count as a customer call? No, the purpose of this contest is for US, as consultants, to be proactive in servicing our customers. If a customer calls us, then that’s just icing on the cake, but it doesn’t count as a customer call.
That new Career website is cool. Can I count someone going through that website and registering either yes, no, or maybe as an interview? Yes, you can.
If I share satin hands with someone, does that count as a face? No, it doesn’t. You’re only demonstrating one product.
If I do a spa party and demo satin hands on their feet, does that count as a face? Yes, it does. A spa party is a little more involved than just taking someone into the bathroom and washing their hands.
If I book someone to go through the Career website, does that count as a booking? Yes, it does. But, you need to make sure that they follow through. Just telling someone about the website and suggesting they read through it sometime is not a booking, unless you know they are going to do it at a specific time (like tonight, or tomorrow morning, or over break sitting next to you.)