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Is Mary Kay a Real Job?
Shared by NSD Gloria Mayfield-Banks

Throughout my career I have seen many Consultants come and go because they felt they needed to find a “Real Job.” Why do people think that Mary Kay is NOT a “real” job? What classifies an opportunity as a “real” job?
Does getting a paycheck with the same number of dollars each pay period classify as a “real” job?
Does working 10-40+ hours, and still making the same amount of money classify?
How about getting up very early, taking a shower and leaving your house every day?
What about putting your kids in daycare- does that make it a “real” job?
How about having to schedule vacation time a year in advance?
Or having to explain to your supervisor why you need a day off?

Maybe that is what makes it a “real” job. Maybe you need to be working for someone else, have to report to someone else and let him or her decide when you deserve a raise. Let’s pretend for a moment. What if we apply “real” job guidelines to your Mary Kay business?

Just imagine if you devote 20 hours per week of complete and total focus to doing your Mary Kay job well? What if you set your own goal and always did today’s work today instead of waiting until you felt like it? Imagine the possibilities- if you paid attention to profitability and actually took the steps necessary to promote yourself.

You owe it to yourself to make Mary Kay a “real” job--even if it’s just part-time.
Why would you give more time and commitment to someone else’s business than you would your own?
Do you really want to work for someone else forever? Wouldn’t you prefer to work 20 hours, but get paid like you worked 40 hours? Would you like to be your own boss? Would you like to plan your own hours each week to work within your family’s schedule? What if you could take an extra day off one week, then work an extra two hours each day for the next week to make up for it? Do you have this type of freedom with your “Real” job?

If you feel like you have “tried Mary Kay” and it hasn’t worked for you, try asking yourself a few questions:
If someone with my MK work habits worked for me, would I continue to pay them or reward them?
Am I consistent in my efforts?
Do I make calls when I need to make them- no matter what?
Do I place orders in a timely manner to keep the “store” stocked with the hottest, most up-to-date products?
Do I give great customer service-going over and above what the client expects?
Do I follow up on all leads and potential recruits quickly and professionally?
Do I work with my Director on accountability and turn in my weekly accomplishment sheets?
Do I attend trainings, weekly meetings and events in my area?

If you have answered any of these questions with a “NO”, perhaps this is an opportunity to change your ways and make new goals for your business this month. Make it a point to treat your Mary Kay business like a “real” job. You will earn REAL money, REAL cars, REAL prizes and see REAL changes in your life!  Want to make a REAL difference in the lives of women? I believe we can! With a Mary Kay Career, what you make is up to you!