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Positive Questions Openers
Thanks to Independent Executive National Sales Director Arlene Lenarz for sharing what she knows works and for these
examples of positive question openers. We hope these will help your area members get their business flying!

Arlene writes, “I remember the first time I attended a class about positive question openers. The teacher said we should say two sentences/statements and then ask one positive question. What do you think about that? He also told us when we put three sentences in a row without a question, our listener is no longer listening. He said, ‘When every third sentence is a question, you will triple your sales,’ and it worked for me! Can you see the benefit in trying it? Use this technique with your family, too. Talk about results! Did you realize that every third sentence in this paragraph was a question?

“It’s been taught that the more you get people to smile, laugh, and say yes, the more they will buy. When you are at an appointment and just lecture, they will only retain 20 percent of what you say. If you get them to interact with you by smiling, nodding and laughing or crying, they will retain up to 80 percent of what you say. Use these following questions at your appointments and during interviews. My husband often gives speeches/talks and uses them in his business. His talks get rave reviews! Dazzle your next appointments!”

How to ask your way to success…

1. Can you get excited about…?
2. Do you see the value of…?
3. Do you see the benefit in…?
4. Can you see the merit in…?
5. Wouldn’t it be terrific if…?
6. Aren’t you glad that…?
7. Aren’t you looking forward to…?
8. Doesn’t it make sense to…?
9. Don’t you agree…?
10. Isn’t it going to be fun when…?
11. Isn’t it about time that…?
12. Doesn’t it give you confidence to know…?
13. Wouldn’t it be worthwhile to find…?
14. Can you see the advantage of…?
15. Wouldn’t it be reassuring to…?
16. Don’t you feel that…?
17. Wouldn’t it be great to save money by…?
18. Aren’t you really excited that…?
19. Won’t it be gratifying when…?
20. Isn’t it good to know…?
21. Wouldn’t it be marvelous to…?
22. Haven’t you enjoyed…?
23. Haven’t you benefited by…?
24. Wouldn’t you be happy to…?
25. Aren’t you happy to know…?
26. Aren’t you anxious to know…?
27. Isn’t it fantastic to know…?
28. Isn’t it wonderful to find…?
29. Wouldn’t it be satisfying to find…?
30. Isn’t it worth considering that…?
31. Wouldn’t you prefer…?
32. Don’t you feel that it is best if…?
33. Don’t you feel knowing that…?
34. Can’t you see how this would…?
35. Wouldn’t it be significant if…?
36. Wouldn’t you like to strive for…?
37. Wouldn’t a higher quality life be worth…?