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Monthly E-Cards
by Donna Bayes Scott

I have been asked to share my monthly e-cards. I have a few more than these—like a reminder for their weekly accomplishment sheet (I wish it was more productive! Ha!), and I use Red Jacket cards for Senior Consultant, Team Leader, etc, based on their status.  I send an ecard for every line that is on the Action Items under Consultant Action Items/Unit Opportunities-Notifications.  All the e-cards are saved and I use them over and over every month.
Plus, I do the CELEBRATE for birthdays and anniversaries.
I have an ecard for almost everything on these lists.  Around the 6th or 7th, when last month’s production has been completed, the unit opportunities/notices page will all be in red.  You won’t know it by it telling you how many action items you have to do, because it doesn’t tell.  You have to click on it and see if they are in red for the new month.  When I’ve sent the ecard, then I click “Mark all as done.” And then it turns black again until the next month.  I not only send an ecard to these notices, but I also send a postcard to A3, I1, I3, T1, Tlast, Tnext to last. That way I catch them both ways—e-mail and postal.
I have a set of e-cards saved that are marked EARLY (by having the word EARLY there, it alphabetizes all the cards and keeps them grouped so all my EARLIES are together and my ENDS are together).  I send the Early cards as soon as the notices turn red.  That gives your T1s and A3s nearly a month to take advantage of ordering.

You can create your saved cards by choosing a consultant ecard, and then creating it and rather than clicking next, there is a button to let you save it without sending it.  Many of my cards come from the Create-A-Card tab, so that I can even put in my own subject line.  Other cards don’t have to have a subject line, so I use the generic ones.  I noticed that many of my pictures for cards are from their old selection and many aren’t even available right now, but they have very nice ones in the create a card category to use.
Then I schedule the END of the month cards about a week before the end of the month.  I send the “End of the month is fast approaching” card immediately.  I also send the A3 END cards immediately.  To find that info, I go to production and click the A3s who HAVE placed an order this month and then go to those who have NOT ordered this month and send an A3 card to each of them to remind them once again of their A3 status.  The reason I have two different cards is that if an A3 placed an order earlier in the month, she may be only a few dollars away from a $200, and if she places another order to reach $200, she would be A1 status again.
You can schedule the cards to go out when you want them to, by clicking the little calendar above the date when it is to be sent.  You can reschedule it to go on the 2nd to last day or whenever you want a card to go out.  The birthday and anniversary cards go out automatically on their birthday, so I always schedule the next month so I don’t miss a birthday that is at the beginning of the new month.
I used to have the cards worded so that I had to change something each month.  Now I have them worded so that they work each month without me having to change any wording.  I can have them send in a matter of minutes.  My consultants have told me numerous times how much they appreciate both the e-mail reminders and the post card reminders.  I try to make it sound like I’m doing them a favor (courtesy reminder) and not just hunting for production.  It has to be “what’s in it for them.”
Sometimes I get a consultant who gets the A3 reminder and she isn’t sure why she got it (she doesn’t understand earned discount privilege), so I explain it once agin and tell her the cards are auto-generated and just ignore it.  I don’t want to panic anyone and sometimes it does when they are extremely part-time.
I don’t worry about changing up the cards because if someone gets a T1 card, she can only get it at the most twice a year.  (6 months before she becomes T1).  By then, she’ll forget!!   The A3 people appreciate the reminder and don’t mind getting the same postcard every three months or so.
I send an A2 postcard, thanking them for their order last month and reminding them that they have the Earned Discount Privilege for the rest of this month and the following month.  That way, I don’t have to worry about sending a postcard each time someone orders.  I do all A2’s (they placed a $200 or more last month) at one time once production is updated.  You get that info from the consultant list (the list that has all your consultants by alphabet…you click on b to get all the b’s, etc) and up in the filter area near the top, you can sort by A2s.
Basically, my wording for my postcards is about the same as the e-cards.  Again, generic, so I don’t have to recreate each month.
I’ve posted some of the pictures of the cards to show you the subject line I’ve chosen to use. But then I also copied and pasted the wording in case you want to use some of the words.  
EARLY A3 Wording

Hi there, this is just a courtesy email to remind you this is your last month to order any amount of products at 50%--even just a few products. (Your status is A3)  If you need to order products, you may want to do it before the end of the month.
If you do not place an order this month, then when you do place an order next, it must be $200 WS or more.
Now, should your order this month be $200 WS or more, then you'll reinstate your Earned Discount Privilege for two more months.
Please give me a call at 785-628-1599 if you have ANY questions!!
Believing in YOU and our Unit,

EARLY Anniversary
Congratulations on another successful year as a MK consultant!!  I appreciate you so much and thank you for the opportunity to go through life with you.
Love, Donna
EARLY Birthday
I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that you get to take time to just pamper yourself, rest, and re-energize.
Thank you for being part of my life.
Love, Donna
EARLY I1  (I just chose a generic card that allowed me to write something.  It’s the one with the bees and pink—buzzword for today is success)
Just a quick note to let you know how much I appreciate you as part of our Mary Kay team!
I'm committed to help women make extra money, so if you'd like to do that, please let me know!
EARLY I2 (this one is the black sparkly on ecard)
No matter what you do in life, I hope you feel you have learned from and have been touched by your Mary Kay business and sister consultants. I know you have added a blessing to my life and I just wanted to tell you!
Thank you! To our continued success, both yours and mine,
EARLY I3 Wording

This is your I3 month (Inactive-3rd month), which means it is your 6th month since you placed a $200 WS order.  Your Applause magazine subscription expires this month.  A $200 Wholesale order will renew it for six more months.
When you place your next $200 WS order, it will give you the 50% privilege that month and the following two months.  
Thank you for all you do.  Let me know how I can help.

EARLY Last Month
EARLY Last Month Wording

Just a quick note to remind you that this is your last month to place a Wholesale order to reinstate your MK business and give you wholesale ordering privileges.
A minimum $200 ws ($400 retail) would reinstate you for another full year.
If you fail to place your order by the end of THIS month, then you'd need to submit a new agreement in order to do another wholesale order.
Call me if you have questions. (785)656-1999

EARLY Next to Last Month
EARLY Next to Last Month Wording

Just a quick note to remind you that this is your next to last month to place a Wholesale order to reinstate your MK business and give you wholesale ordering privileges.
A minimum $200 ws ($400 retail) would reinstate you for another full year.
If you fail to place your order by the end of next month, then you'd need to submit a new agreement in order to do another wholesale order.
Call me if you have questions.
EARLY T1 Wording
Just a quick reminder that it's been over six months since your last $200 WS order with MK, and you are no longer receiving the Applause magazine.  I hope you miss it enough that you'll want to reinstate soon.  The company also now includes the Look book in the Applause.
A $200 WS order ($400 retail) will make you active once again.
Let me know if you have any questions.