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Booking Scripts
For a new consultant:
Hi, Jil, this is Donna Bayes. Do you have just a quick minute? Great! I'm so excited! I'm teaching skin care and color techniques with Mary Kay and I'd l-oooo-ve (love) to pamper you to a makeover. What's your schedule like?
For a current client:
"Hi, Jil, this is Donna with Mary Kay. Do you have just a quick minute? Great! I'm so excited! All the new fall colors have just come in. Is there any reason why you wouldn't like to come over and play in the makeup with me this week? What's your schedule like?"
For anyone:
"Hi, Jil, this is Donna Bayes with Mary Kay. Do you have a quick minute? Great! I'm in a contest with Mary Kay this week and I need to pamper 5 (or 10--you decide) women this week with makeovers. What's your schedule this week? I'd love to get your opinion.?"
When they say they don't have a minute: (they might be on the way out the door or eating dinner, taking care of the kids, etc. and can't talk right now)
"Hi, Jil, this is Donna with Mary Kay. Do you have just a quick minute?"
"I'm sorry, Donna. I don't right now."
"Ooooh, what time would you prefer me to call you back?"
"Well, I'm heading out the door, but an hour or so would be better."
"Great, I'll call you back at 3:30."
Booking Aproach for an acquaintance:
"Hi, ___________.  This is _________.  How are you?  That's great!  Do you have a minute?  The reason I'm calling is to find out if you have ever had a Mary Kay facial (Don't stop…keep talking)  You know, ______, your skin is so pretty, I just wondered if you by chance already use Mary Kay?

"No?  I'd love to be the one to introduce you to our fabulous new skin care system called TimeWise and get your opinion.  Tell me, ________, is there any reason why we couldn't get together over a cup of coffee next week for your free facial?  Which would be better for you, the first part of the week or the latter?  Daytime or evening?  Thursday or Friday?  2 or 2:30?  (Get a date down)

"Perhaps you can think of a friend or neighbor who would enjoy having a facial with you.  Feel welcome to invite her too, ok?  See you Thursday at 2:30.  Bye."
Booking Approach for a warm chatter (someone you don't know):
Start with a sincere compliment and ask if you may ask a question.  Here's how:

"You've got the prettiest complexion.  Do you mind if I ask you a question?  Could you tell me what you use?  I'm a Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics and I'd really like to know what you use because your skin is so pretty.

"That's fantastic!  I'm really glad to see someone who appreciates quality.  I would really like to get your opinion of my product.  Is there any reason why we couldn't get together this week for a complimentary facial?  Then I could get your opinion of Mary Kay.  Which would be better for you, the first part of the week or the last?"