“Mom”, they cried, “Can you come play?”
“Not right now dear, I have a busy day.”
“Perhaps tomorrow, I will get a chance,
To play a game or watch you do your dance.”
“Mom, can you take a minute and listen to this story?”
“I'd love to honey, but I'm in a hurry.”
Maybe later, is what I'd say
So often to her throughout the day.
“Can you do your chores right now,
I have to go to work”,
“When I return we'll talk a little,
and even read a book.”
“Ok, she'd say with disappointment on her face.”
“Why can't my mom just stay in one place.”
Off she goes, dragging her feet.
You'd think I was the mother, I'm so beat.
“Do this, do that,”
“No time for play, my dad's at work,
Mom went away.
I long for her to be with us
To take us to school - not ride on the bus.”
To be there anytime of the day
When we need her, this I pray.
Can she see I'm growing and won't be here too long
I'll be off in the world, this has to be wrong.
Can't we go to a movie, bingo or putt putt;
Let's do something to get out of this rut.
I know she'll say no, we don't have the money;
Just once I'd like to hear, “Ok, let's go honey.”
We need our mother and her loving care,
All to ourselves, we don't want to share.
Is there a time, a will or a way,
Yes, and it is with Mary Kay!!!
I hold them close give each a hug,
Put them to bed until they are snug.
I love you, I say, it will get better,
Don't give up on your father or mother.
I want to be here for you too,
We want the best for each one of you.
With those words and kisses I give,
Let's not just make a living, but learn how to live.
With faith in our hearts and love on our side
Our prayers will be heard, and when it's the right time,
Changes will be made, the struggles will end,
We'll be more than mother/daughter, we'll be best friends!