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Donna & Bill Scott
Disappearing Years? You Be The Judge!
by Donna Bayes

Last October, 2006, I asked my new husband, Bill Scott, to help me with a product experiment. I asked him to use Firming Eye Cream on just one eye. Before he started, we took his picture. He used it faithfully on one eye until January, when I finally allowed him to use it on both eyes. Then, we got the fabulous Targeted-Action Line Reducer. He began using it on one eye three weeks ago. Below are the pictures and the proof of the effectiveness of these products.

You can see that he got some results from just using the Firming Eye Cream, but he got dramatic results when he added the Targeted-Action Line Reducer. I feel he got dramatic results in as little as three weeks!

Click here to print the Before and After pictures of Bill's eyes and his testimonial!