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6 Advisors Coaching
At Seminar I met Brandon Barber who works with Og Mandino and 6 Advisors. After visiting with him, I took the 6 Advisors Assessment, a test that measures thought processes that are driving my decisions and actions. I received a 30-page assessment report and spent two hours on the phone with Brandon going over all my assessments.  I was amazed at the accuracy of the report! It was so interesting!

As Brandon says:
"Your 6 ADVISORS Assessment Report goes below the surface of behavioral and personality assessments and measures with great accuracy the thought processes that are driving your decisions and actions. While it takes less than 30-minutes to complete, this ground-breaking, scientifically validated, and laser accurate assessment provides profound insights into the very thought process that influence behaviors, emotions, attitudes, and beliefs. The walls that have been holding you back will be revealed and never need stop you again. While reviewing the report it will be as if you are sitting at a boardroom table, three External World Advisors on one side and three Internal World Advisors on the other side. From this safe vantage point you can listen carefully to the advice you have been getting from each Advisor. Which Advisors have been giving you good advice and which Advisors have been sabotaging your success? Finally, all the noise in your head will make sense."

I am now in a coaching group with six other women and I'm thoroughly enjoying learning about how and why I think the way I do, and I'm looking forward to making better choices in the way I think and perform, taking into account what I'm learning in the coaching sessions.

For more information about 6 Advisors, go to


Discover the authentic, remarkable self you’ve always imagined you could be.
Do you want to improve:
Your performance?
Develop greater leadership capacity?
Learn how to empower and improve communications with others – in short, live a more productive, successful, and happy life?
Change is required in the way you think!
People have somewhere between 12,000 and 50,000 thoughts per day.
That can be a lot of noise!
These thoughts drive personality, emotion, behavior, and performance. Ultimately, the results we create in life. While some of these thoughts might support your success objectives, many will sabotage your efforts. How different might life be, if you knew how to listen to and control your thoughts?
Success is a conscious choice!
To realize truly impactful, long-term results, you must set aside traditional skills, training and behavior modification and get below the surface, focusing on the thought processes that drive personality, emotion, behavior, and performance.
Merging scientific measurement, applied through our proprietary 6 Advisors™ Assessment Report, with time-tested principles, as taught in Og Mandino’s perennial best seller, The Greatest Salesman in the World, you’ll learn to control the one thing in this world you can – your thoughts.
Armed with such breakthrough information, The 6 Advisors™ assessment will take you quickly below the surface of personality, emotion, behavior, and performance, allowing you to identify and remove the barriers interrupting your progress.
You’ll experience greater peace of mind, enhanced levels of productivity. You’ll discover the authentic, remarkable self you’ve always imagined you could be.
Revealing strengths and identifying barriers to success is the secret!
With traditional self development and coaching, revealing strengths and identifying barriers can take up to 6 months to accomplish, even before being able to explore the use of such discovery.
The 6 Advisors™ Assessment Report takes you there immediately. Founded in scientific methodology, The 6 Advisors™ assessment is a proven means of going below the surface of attitude, emotion, belief, and behavior. We go to the very core of your thinking processes, a starting point far beyond the expectations of traditional personal development.
What’s Included
The 6 Advisors™ Assessment Report: A 30 page, scientifically based, personal assessment – determining where you are NOW!
A copy of Og’s best selling book, The Greatest Salesman in the World.
A personal Coach.

Success is a conscious choice! You choose.