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Postcard Wording and Advice
By Susie Kopacz

I have been recently asked for some wording for postcards and notes to consultants. As I wrote cards today, I decided to extend my scripts (so to speak) to you for you to use. Here’s some advice though…

Be sure you don’t write the same thing to each consultant – they often compare notes – or worse yet (as happened to me) they might receive another’s card/note by mistake. When I read a note which was addressed to me, but inside was to another person, and then finally got my own card back, I was amazed that the 2 notes were almost verbatim. Yikes…don’t insult your consultants by being too similar.

Be sure that your words are chosen according to the personality and style of the person receiving them. In other words, a “D” will not want to hear mushy stuff – but will want sincere compliments. An “S” will want mushy and not big goals. Get my drift?

Personally hand written notes are always well received, but I’ve received type-written notes on NSD letter-head and been thrilled. The key is to write from your heart.

Please don’t copy my words exactly – trust your ‘gut’ and use phrases here and there. Less is best. I learned from NSD Sue Kirkpatrick years ago to write big – say less, say it with your heart.

Lastly – a tip – when I send out I1, I2 or I3 letters, I write them hand-written with a black flair pen, on plain white paper. Then I photocopy them onto my letterhead – it comes out like a real handwritten letter – they are impressed. Then I add just a personal note (in black flair) at the bottom, and fill in their name at the top. Learned that trick from NSD Rena Tarbet years ago.

So….here’s some wording for you….

_________, Just had to write you a note because I’ve been thinking about you so much. You are everything a Director dreams of – persistent, dedicated, ambitious and most of all, the epitome of a Mary Kay consultant in image! Thank you for being who you are! In my books – you’re one of THE BEST! Believing in you………..

__________, Just a note to say HI and let you know I’ve been thinking of you and praising you to everyone I meet! I think everyone in my family knows your name by heart – only because I spend so much time telling them how great you are…but now I need to tell you. YOU ARE GREAT!! Keep up the great work and YOU will be one of the ‘GREAT ONES’ in Mary Kay! Love,______

__________, I am so proud of your commitment and dedication to Mary Kay that you took the time and effort to attend Career Conference – giving up your precious time with you family to increase your knowledge and build your business like a professional! I am proud of you and want you to know that your attendance at Career Conference (or Seminar, whatever event) speaks volumes of your integrity and professionalism! Thank you for being who you are! You make me proud to be your director!

_______, THANK YOU for being a woman of integrity. Your attendance at Career Conference proves that you are willing to do what it takes to be a winner! I have NO DOUBT that you’ll be driving a free car very soon- and cashing BIG FAT CHECKS into your account! I see you there….it’s only a matter of time!! Love,________

Dear ________, Thank you for your willingness to increase your knowledge and attend Career Conference with our unit. Your presence there I’m sure not only increased your love and commitment to this company, but WE were graced by your presence. Your wit, your compassion and sensitivity to others, along with your positive attitude made our weekend especially fun…..all because YOU were there! Thank you for your time and dedication to furthering your business success. Great things are in store for you! Love,________

WOW…you really know how to win! I am so proud of you and your achievements last week. You deserve the limelight – I hope you know how great you are! You are every Director’s dream….and at the pace you’re going – I’ll need to move over in the Director’s chair…You are on your way!!!! Love, __________

Congratulations on a fantastic sale! Your ability to sell this product and represent the company so professionally, no doubt has you building a phenomenal customer base. Why in no time at all, women will be referring so many of their friends to you that you won’t even have to ask for bookings..they’ll be calling you! I wish you were my consultant! I would be PROUD to refer you to my friends! Thank you for representing our company and our unit so well!! I appreciate you! Love, ___________

For someone going through a rough time:

Dear ________, Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and praying for your strength. God has great plans for you – on the other side of this mountain, but on your way around the mountain – look at the blessings in the troubles that will make you stronger and build your character. We all wish it would be easier, but you are a wonderful role model for the rest of us as you face each day with courage. Thank you for being you. We appreciate you and are praying for you daily! Love, _______-

Dear ________, Just wanted you to know that you’re thought of every day. We miss your smiling face at our meetings and are praying for a quick recovery and strength to bounce back soon. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help – in your business or otherwise. You are an important part of my life.