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Million Dollar Booking Script
This can be used for facial boxes, fish bowls or restaurant leads.  Don't change the wording!!

"Hi, is ______there? Do you remember filling out an entry form at (name of place where you got their name)?

"Well, I'm calling to let you know you were picked as one of our winners! Isn't that great?!! (wait for their response). Well, you have won a $15 gift certificate to be used with an absolutely free Mary Kay makeover. Isn't that neat?

"Have you ever had a Mary Kay makeover before?"

If no:
"Great! Then let me explain what happens. I come right to you. I bring everything we need. It's fast, it's fun, it's free and there's absolutely no obligation!"

If yes and she has a consultant, send her back to her own.  If not, then continue:
"Great! When was that? Well then, you know how much fun it can be. Plus, we have so many new things I'd love to show you. Now what's good for you? Evenings or weekends? 7 or 7:30?"

Get her important information and directions. Also fill out questions 1-4 on the profile card.

Ask the best time to reach her.

Turn into a class:
"Now, _____, you are welcome to have some friends join you. They also receive the free pampering session. But there is one catch, you can only have up to 5 friends join you. Is there any reason why you wouldn't want to share your pampering session?"

Confirm the date with her. Tell her you will call again to get a list of her friend's names. "This way I can ask them the same questions about their skin so I can bring everything they need."

Give your name and number and say, "If there is any change to the time or date, I'll need a couple of days notice."

Send a reminder card.

Call a couple of times to hostess coach and to get the info about her guests.