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Christmas Thoughts
My friend, Bill Scott, wrote this for me for our Unit Christmas Party. Since the party got snowed out, and won't be held until Jan 7th, I thought I would share the poem here, since it is so appropriate for this week. Thanks, Bill!  I think you understand our MK culture!

You probably know why you're here today,
With you, Donna celebrates Mary Kay.
But, besides the tribute to Mary Kay pink,
There is another very special link.

In the foundation of Mary Kay girls,
One of their wisdoms and most precious pearls,
Is to honor each other and always GO GIVE,
Isn't that the way we should all truly live?

For as we enter this season of joy,
To honor the birth of that special boy,
It is time for all to stop and reflect,
That's what God would want and expect.

The decorations and gifts are great we know,
And God's landscape is oft christened with snow,
The food is delightful as is laughter with friends,
But, that's not where the season begins or ends.

For each Christmas brings forth a renewal of heart,
To love one another and, for God, do our part,
To share our blessings and spread His good will,
For in so doing, hearts will surely fill.

The best way to honor the birth of our Lord,
Is to share love with others, let our blessings be poured,
And remember the true meaning of the Christmas season,
Remember His birth, his death, and the reason.

Let all mankind take notice this year,
That our Savior is with us, through the trials and the fears,
And who believeth in Him will have eternal rest,
Shall we all pray for peace and thank God we are blessed.
(Bill Scott, Christmas, 2005, for Donna Bayes!)