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Warm Chatter Training
by Brenda Tubbs
Part One: Preparation

Before you warm chatter:
1. Spiritually prepare
     A. Declare God's favor.  Ask Him to bring you sharp, successful ladies who either need MK the product and/or MK the opportunity.  Write down a specific prayer or affirmation that really speaks to you, and repeat it while you are getting ready.
     B. Get out of your own way!  Ask God to give you courage to approach the women He is bringing into your path.  Remind God that you are on His side, and that you want every word you speak to bring honor to Him.
2. Physically prepare
     A. Dress for success!  Imagine Mary Kay Ash was going with you…how would you want to look? Then remember this: you ARE Mary Kay Ash to everyone you meet, so dress accordingly!
     B. Wear your pin!  Quite simply, it validates to people that you are a representative of the Mary Kay Company.
3. Mentally prepare
     A. Check to ensure you have all the materials you will need: business cards, samplers, Look books, date book, extra pens.
     B. Read over the script(s) that you plan to use.  If necessary, write them on index cards and take them with you.  You can even practice (not always out loud) while you dress, while you drive, while you wait in line, anytime there's not a lady within three (3) feet of you!

Ready for warm chatter:
1. Smile!  A smile radiates positive energy, and you must be an energy-giver.
2. Raise your eyebrows slightly.  This will help you look pleasant and approachable.
3. Stand up (or sit up) straight!  Remember, you represent the #1 best-selling brand for 12 consecutive years…act like it!

While you warm chatter:
1. Look the person in the eye.  (Your right eye to her right eye whenever possible.)
2. Control the speed, tone, and inflection of your voice.  (Your tendency will be to go too fast…slow down and enjoy the experience!)
3. Always thank the person for her time.  (Whether you have booked her, gotten her information, or she has flat turned you down…she has given you the gift of her time; show your appreciation for that.)

Part Two: Tools to Use

Scavenger Hunt (Julia Willadson, DIQ)
Excuse me.  Can I ask you a question?  I am on a Human Scavenger Hunt, and was wondering if you could take a moment to look over this list and see if you meet any of these qualities?  Great!  While you're doing that, please allow me to introduce myself.  My name is [your name] and I am a beauty consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics.  My Director handed this list out, and I'm in a very tough competition to fill it in as fast as I can.  You know, I just can't help but ask:  Has anyone ever offered you a complimentary facial with Mary Kay cosmetics?
Closing: Well, I have really enjoyed visiting with you, and thank you so much for helping me with my Scavenger Hunt!  I hope you have a great day!

Model for Before & After Portfolio (Deborah Rose, Sr. Sales Director)
Can I ask you a question?  I couldn`t help but notice [sincere compliment]. My name is [your name], I'm a beauty consultant with Mary Kay, and I've been looking for some sharp people to model in my Before & After Portfolio.  I would just kick myself if I walked by without saying something to you!  Has anyone ever asked you to be a face model for Mary Kay?

Cashier/Helper in store
Thank you, [their name], you have been so [sincere compliment: nice, cheerful, helpful, patient].  I just have to ask you: Has anyone ever offered you a free facial with Mary Kay products?

Someone wearing bright colors
I love that [bright orange shirt, cute yellow sandals, etc].  I have come to find out that women who wear bright colors have bright personalities to go with it - and that means I'd probably enjoy getting to know you!  Has anyone ever offered you a complimentary facial with Mary Kay cosmetics?

Someone who compliments your children
Thank you!  I think you have impeccable taste…can I ask you a question?  I am a beauty consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics and I am looking for people with impeccable taste - such as yourself.  Has anyone ever offered you a complimentary facial with Mary Kay products?

Someone that you allowed to `pass by' and then you run into them again
Well, hello!  I am so glad I ran into you again because after I/you walked away I was just kicking myself!  You seem like such a sharp lady, and I especially like [sincere compliment: your smile, your mannerisms, etc.] and I just have to ask you:  Has anyone ever offered you a complimentary facial with Mary Kay cosmetics?

Part Three: Keep Your Cool

Has anyone ever offered you a facial?
Yes = Well that doesn't surprise me.  Who is your beauty consultant?
No = Well I'd love to treat you to some pampering!  If you'll just take a second to fill this out.  [wait for her to fill out info card]  Great!  I promise I'll call you [approximate day and time].  [If she put down a specific time that's better for her, make sure you respond within her time frame!]

Has anyone ever asked you to be a face model?
Yes = Well it doesn't surprise me.  Who is your beauty consultant?
No = Well you're probably wondering what in the world I'm talking about!  The company sent me all these gorgeous looks.  Some are very natural looks, some career, and some are dramatic evening looks.  What I do is take a Before picture with a clean, fresh face - I know, nobody likes that part.  But then I take an After picture when you've chosen a look.  It is really fun and it only takes less than an hour, usually around 45 minutes.  Would you consider modeling for me?
Yes = Great!  May I get your name and phone number, and when is the best time to call?  Okay it's date!  I promise I'll call you [approximate day and time].  [If she put down a specific time that's better for her, make sure you respond within her time frame!]
No = Well then I certainly appreciate you taking the time to visit with me, and here is my card - if you should change your mind.

Do you already have a MK beauty consultant? / Who is your beauty consultant?
     Yes = Really?  Who is she?
If you know her = Oh, isn't she wonderful?  You are so lucky to have her!
If you don't know her = Hmm, that name doesn't ring a bell, but I'm sure she's great.  And I will leave you in her capable hands.
     No = Really?  Well, I'm a little surprised because [pay a sincere compliment].  But I would love the opportunity to pamper you!  If you'll just take a second to fill this out.  [wait for her to fill out info card]  Great!  I promise I'll call you [approximate day and time].  [If she put down a specific time that's better for her, make sure you respond within her time frame!]

Have you ever tried our products before?
     Yes = respond to appropriate objection
     No = Goodness! I'm so excited I'll be the first to put our products on your face! You probably weren't aware that Mary Kay has been chosen as the #1 Best-Selling Brand of Skin Care AND Cosmetics for the past 12 years!  Isn't that amazing?  So you can rest assured that only the finest products will be used on your face…and you deserve that, don't you?  Of course you do!  If you'll just take a second to fill this out.  [wait for her to fill out info card]  Great!  I promise I'll call you [approximate day and time].  [If she put down a specific time that's better for her, make sure you respond within her time frame!]

Part Three: Keep Your Cool

I use `Brand X'
     That's great!  I'm glad to hear that you are investing time and money in your skin care.  Let me ask you, do you feel you are getting the results you want for the price you pay?  I would really enjoy the opportunity to sit down with you for 45 minutes and get your opinion of the #1 Brand of Skin Care & Color Cosmetics in the nation!  If you'll just take a second to fill this out.  [wait for her to fill out info card]  Great!  I promise I'll call you [approximate day and time].  [If she put down a specific time that's better for her, make sure you respond within her time frame!]

I don't wear makeup
     Perfect!  You might be surprised to know that Mary Kay is the leading developer of skin care products.  I would really love to get your opinion of our skin care line; we won't even bother with glamour.  If you'll just take a second to fill this out.  [wait for her to fill out info card]  Great!  I promise I'll call you [approximate day and time].  [If she put down a specific time that's better for her, make sure you respond within her time frame!]

I'm too busy
     Boy, I certainly understand that!  Life seems to go faster and faster.  I was told several years ago that when you don't have time for a break is when you NEED a break.  So let me ask you, do you feel you could use a little pampering?  You could even invite two or three friends to share a one-hour spa session.  I would love to pamper you and give you a much-needed break!

I don't have the money
     Oh, please don't worry about that!  This is a free facial, with no obligation to buy at all.  I'm just offering you a chance to sit back, relax, and have some fun!  If you'd like, you can even invite a few of your friends to join us.  Does that sound good?  Okay!  If you'll just take a second to fill this out.  [wait for her to fill out info card]  Great!  I promise I'll call you [approximate day and time].  [If she put down a specific time that's better for her, make sure you respond within her time frame!]

I tried MK and broke out / I'm allergic
     This one takes some time and effort to overcome.  Try something like:
I'm so sorry to hear that.  If you don't mind my asking, what kind of problem did you have?  Was it a confirmed allergic reaction with itchiness and redness or did you break out with blemishes?  Which products did you try?  Did that consultant work with you at a follow-up facial to solve the problem?  Were you able to take advantage of our money-back guarantee?  [Listen to her responses to each question.]
If one of you is unsure about the products used or what kind of a reaction it was, then say= Since we have cutting-edge new products, I would love the opportunity to make it right for you.
If she is positive it was allergies, or it was a newer product, or she's just not interested, then say= I'm really sorry to hear that.  I really don't meet too many ladies who have had a problem with our product.  But I appreciate you taking the time to visit with me, and I hope you have a great day!