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Warm Chatter Booking
by Donna Bayes

I thought I'd share my surefire way to warm chatter. It works like a charm and is great for most any situation. I devised this method several years ago when I had to live off my warm chatters. I had to have a method that didn't intimidate me and also gave me a lot of positive responses.

My husband had just quit his job and was going into a business where he had to self-promote himself with business cards. We challenged each other to see who could pass out the most business cards each day. The first time I tried it I was standing in the post office line. Both girls ahead of me agreed to take my card. When I got to the counter, the lady behind the counter said she had overheard my conversation and that she wanted me to beat my husband, so could she take several cards to pass out for me that day!! Wow!  

The Business Card Contest idea was born and I perfected it over the next few days and weeks!  My suggestion is to do a minimum of two per day--every day.  If you set a goal to do 10 a week, and then don't do two daily, you'll feel overwhelmed and scared on Friday when you know you have to do 10 to reach your goal.  By doing two a day, your skills will always remain sharp!

Here's my sure-fire warm chatter steps:
Standing in line or wherever...lean over to the woman and quietly say, "Excuse're going to think I'm crazy, but I'm in a contest to see how many business cards I can pass out today. (Wrinkling up nose and looking pitiful..) Would you take one of my cards, please??" Hold card out to her.
She will always say yes. (I've never had anyone say no.) She takes the card, looks at it, and says, "Oh, Mary Kay!" (Standard answer!) You say, with smile, "Yes, are you familiar with it?" She'll most likely say, yes.
You say, "Great! Are you on the MK mailing list?" She'll say (most of the time), "NO, what's that?" I explain the Preferred Customer Program by saying, "Oh, it's a free mailing you receive every few months with the latest product brochures, new glamour techniques, and there's always a free coupon. Would you like to be on the mailing list?? It's free. I'd be glad to add you. Just put your name and address on this card (fill out this card), and I'll see that you get added."
You now have a name to follow-up with. Many times they mark they are interested in skin care, facial, career, etc. This was no pressure...she's signing up for something in the mail, something free. I go home and immediately send her a beauty book with a free coupon for $5.00 or $10.00 off, redeemable at a facial. Since it may be months before she receives the next PCP mailing, this is vital. Then call her to schedule.
If she said, yes, she's on the mailing list, I say, "GREAT!! Who's your consultant?? What products do you use." And we chit-chat for a moment about our mutual bond with the company and products. You don't try to take someone's customer. However, I've found that women may be on the mailing list, but have never had a MK facial and they've never purchased the products. I then offer them a facial...and you find this out by the chit-chat.
Once you've popped something in the mail to her, immediately give her a call, remind her where you met her, and offer her a facial. There are several booking scripts under training so you should be able to come up with a good script to use when you call her.

Can you see how it doesn't make you feel rejected if she turns you down for the mailing list?? She's turning down the mailman, not YOU!! Try it and let me know how it works for you.