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Color 101 Looks Book
Donna Bayes

My daughter, Rebekah Bayes, had the best idea.  She took all of her old Look books and tore out the four looks (it takes two books to do this, since two looks are back to back). She then placed them in a portfolio in page protectors and had "looks" for her ladies to look through to pick a look for their facial.

When I saw her use this the first time, she had taken the portfolio to work and seven co-workers had thumbed through the pages looking at all of the seasonal looks.  They each picked the one they wanted to do, and Rebekah packaged up all the samples into little snack bags. It's even better if you still have the appropriate Color 101 card with samples attached. But, the snack bags and loose samples work, too.

Every one of her ladies showed up for the class and sales were over $1200!  They each came to do their pre-selected look! It was so organized because Beks already had their glamour ready, with the name of the look and their name in the bag.

I immediately came home and made my own Looks Book.
Print off this Color 101 Looks Mount for each page.  
Tear out the picture of the model and paste to this page (double stick tape works well).  
Then, cut out the instructions for the look from the back of the Look Book and mount it on the same page.
Insert them into a page protector.
Here's a cover you can place in the front of the book.
Keep adding to your book with each new quarterly Look Book

I've even categorized the Looks according to hair color, eye color and skin tone.  This way, I know a certain look will look great on a new client. This is a great way to move discontinued products. Keep the Look in the book until you've moved all of those colors.