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Ascend Financials Money Management
by Donna Bayes

Thank you, LeAnne, for an awesome workshop!!  It was incredible!  You have such a gift for teaching such a difficult subject! I would highly recommend your workshop to anyone!

When I was at Seminar, I was hurrying through the vendors and one asked me if I had a minute to listen to them explain their new software program. I explained that I already used Boulevard and didn't need another software program. She said that their program was for a totally different purpose than Boulevard, and if I would give them one minute, they would show me. I said she could have one minute.

In one minute she showed me an awesome computer program. I could see in that short amount of time that this was a program that I needed and, in my opinion, every consultant also needs.I bought it on the spot! And have been using it faithfully since Seminar.

What this program does is manage your money so that you don't embezzle your business by spending your inventory money. You have the taxes you need, the freight, and it doesn't let you overspend on Section 2 or PCP. And it shows you how much money is your profit and lets you write yourself a paycheck! Another bonus is that when you spend money, you can categorize it into the proper Schedule C tax category. It even handles Pro-Pay!

Here's how it works. Let's say you have $300 in sales (plus sales tax) so your total deposit is $321, including tax. In the software program, you click on the Deposit button. When you put in the 321, it divides it up and posts it to all the envelopes:
$150 to Inventory Replacement (50%)
$7.95 to Freight (it only puts this in once until you spend it on an order)
$21 to taxes
$15 to Section 2 (5%)
$15 to PCP (5%)
$120 for Profit (actually, minus the $7.95 one time) 40%

Each time you make a deposit, it again posts to the envelopes, although the Freight one is full, so the full 40% goes to profit.  You can add envelopes, such as a savings account for Seminar.  When you spend money, you take it out of the proper envelope. You know exactly how much money you have for profit and can pay yourself. You'll have money when it is time to place an order, because you haven't spent more than your profit. You have money saved to pay for PCP when that comes around. You feel so "in control" because you are actually budgeting all of your MK money. And you'll find you get excited each time you make a deposit to your bank, because you'll watch the numbers increase in all of your envelopes and you'll KNOW that you have profit to spend on things you want and need, yet you'll not be spending money that needs to be reinvested. And, by using this software faithfully, you'll have a paper trail for the IRS, tracking all of your MK money for tax purposes. I love the large memo area, where I write notes to myself about each expenditure and deposit, so I can remember, should I ever need to go back. The software balances to the penny with my bank statement.

A Testamonial

Dear Donna,
Thank you so much for listing Ascend Financials on your website. I purchased the program in December and began using it on January 1. I have never been more comfortable with my business. I love knowing how much I have to invest in products, etc. and love to see how much I have made. I keep trying to make more! Everyone in MK should have that program. I have written to the designers and asked them to incorporate a feature that would allow a consultant to apply a percentage of her profit against an initial order until the inventory of a new consultant is built. Also, that same feature could be used should a consultant desire to increase the size of her inventory.
This program makes so much sense and I wouldn't have known about it without your recommendation. Thanks so much.
Deloris Ullmann
I highly recommend this software program. It is priced very reasonably. I thought it would cost much more.

Below is some information from the Ascends people.

who me?
     treasurer.  bookkeeper.  tax advisor.

Most of us in Mary Kay don't exactly get our kicks out of doing financial paperwork and number crunching. Yuck.  However, the role(s) of treasurer, bookkeeper, and tax advisor are all critical to sustaining a profitable business in any industry-especially ours.  We've all at least tried to manage our “operating budget” on paper, but most of us gave up on it because it's hard and takes too much time.  

If you're like me, you may have tried a software program like Quicken or Money, and found out that these programs are not designed for average Jane's like us.  Worse, they don't help us see how much money is actually profit, and how much needs to be reinvested back into the business.   For years we've all wished for an easy, simple way to manage the money we make.  Well, there finally is!  

It's called Ascend Financials. I am so excited to tell you about it.  Ascend Financials  is helping Consultants and Directors (myself included) to succeed financially and keep our work and personal life in balance.  Finally!  

Ascend Financials is an easy to use software program that:
effortlessly manages your money the way Mary Kay taught us to.
becomes your business checkbook register (and does the math for you)
automatically divides up all your bank deposits into virtual envelopes
each envelope accumulates money with every trip to the bank and balances itself after you've spent from it. (Wow!)
calculates sales tax of each deposit and how much to hold back for your next inventory purchase
crafts year-end-tax reports as you spend money (so you don't have to manually type your receipts into your inventory program)
helps you stop using credit cards to buy inventory
It's fun to see your envelope balances grow-especially the profit envelope!  You're going to love using it. (and it's not expensive!)
Your inventory program does not do this for you.  And just in case you're concerned, the people at Ascend Financials are not competing with Boulevard, Beauty Advisor, or Pink Office.  This is a necessary supplement to keep you in business and get you out of debt!  Click here to visit their website