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Overcoming Booking Objections
You will want to be ready with responses for those prospective customers who are reluctant to schedule an appointment.  This is not difficult if you are able to replace a negative thought with a positive thought.  The formula for handling concerns is
repeat the concern, and
share what we have to offer that addresses that specific concern:

I don't have time.                    
 “So what you're saying is you're not sure you would have time for us to get together?  I can see that you are a busy woman, and Mary Kay is designed for busy women.  With our hectic lives, we don't always take a moment to have time for ourselves.  You deserve a little pampering.”                        
“I know how you feel.  I know others have felt the same way, but what they found was that my services actually save time.  Besides, don't you have a few friends or a relative you'd love to see more often?  This is a perfect opportunity to socialize with them!  Feeling and looking prettier is a great reason to get together, isn't it?”

I just don't want to hold an appointment right now.                                               
“OK, I understand.  I'd like to leave you with these samples (or mail them if she's on the phone) and get your opinion of the product.  Would that be okay?  Great!  I'll call you in a couple of days to see how you like the products.  And if you like them, maybe I could drop off a full-sized product and show you a few other things in the product line.  Would that work for you?  Good, I'll call you on Tuesday.”

I've been using Brand X.                  
“Great!  I am so glad you are using a quality product.  Has anyone taken the time to give you the opportunity to try Mary Kay Products?  I would LOVE to get your opinion!”

My house isn't very big.                                         
 “Oh, don't worry about that.  Some of the best classes I have held were with a small group.”

I've been to a skin care class before.                
“If you don't currently have a Beauty Consultant, I'd love to introduce myself and the newest Mary Kay Skin Care Products to you at a skin care class or collection preview.  The company is always improving the product line and developing new products, and I'd really value your opinion.”

I don't know anyone.                                
Great!  This will give you a chance to make some new friends.  Just invite two or three people and have each of them bring two or three friends!”

I don't use makeup.                  
“I can appreciate that.  I believe you'll be impressed with our skin care.  I certainly would value your opinion, and I think you'd have fun.”

My house isn't completely furnished (or nice enough).                                            
“Well after all, you are only going to invite your best friends and neighbors, so it doesn't matter.  They are coming to see you, not your house.”               

Everybody I know has been to a skin care class.  Or “Everybody I know is here today.                                    
“Well, seldom does anyone buy everything they would like at one class, and Mary Kay always has new products.  I'll bet each of your guests has a friend that would like a facial.”                                   
“I have an idea.  Why don't we hold a collection preview for your friends?  They are so much fun, and I know everyone would have a great time.  The preview only lasts about an hour, and the atmosphere is casual and fun.  How does that sound?”                                           

My children aren't in school and I don't have a baby-sitter.                                     
“I have a special gift for the person who will baby-sit your children.  (It is a good investment to carry gift-wrapped body lotion with you to give to the neighbor or the person in charge of the children during the class.)

Tentative Date Booking     
You might find that a potential hostess is hesitant about setting a date for her own appointment because she doesn't know when she could hold it.  Here's something you might say:
“Why don't we set up a tentative date with the understanding that if we need to change the time or date, that's okay?  So we'll set that up and I'll call you in two days.  (Customers name), what would be better for you - beginning of the week or end of the week?  Wednesday or Thursday?  7 or 7:30?”  
After you have set the date you'll want your future hostess to write down her name, address, and phone # in your date book next to the date and time chosen.