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6 Most Important To Do List From God
Take 10 minutes at the beginning of each day. Do this for 30 days.

1. Lord, give me clarity on Your Plan and Vision for my life and career. (Listen; write down in a journal what you hear/feel.)

2. Lord, how do I need to work on me, so your plan and vision can happen? (You may get the same answer day after day--ugh! But, until you take care of it, and move on, you will not get a new answer!)

3. Report for duty with no agenda. Ask for clear direction for the day. (Don't come to prayer time to tell God what to do.)

3. Lord, who should I contact to support and serve You today? (Meals to cook for someone ill, a phone call or card that says you are praying for them, and then encouraging notes to your recruits and future hostesses)

4. Lord, who should I contact to build my business in order to fulfill Your Plan and Vision? (Booking calls, customers, team members, prospects, recruiting interviews)

5. Lord, what activities do You want me to follow through on today? (Newsletters...

Listen...write down what you hear, be obedient and take action.

Do for 10 minutes each day for 30 days!