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40 Interviews Tracking Sheet
Barbara B. Dobbs, Sr. Sales Director

Here is the way I plan to get 40 interviews done in my unit this month! You can do it, too! My strategy is this:
Using the attached tracking sheet, contact your 5 sharpest, strongest consultants and ask them to help the unit with a very special interviewing challenge in July by committing to do 4 interviews to help the unit reach the 40 mark.
Get the 4 names they plan to interview.
Enter these 5 consultants and their 4 prospects' names on the top half of the tracking sheet. (The consultants' names will go in the gray boxes---customers go underneath their consultant)
Select 10 more consultants who you think could each come up with 2 quality customers that could be recruitable.
Contact these consultants and ask for their help with the unit's very special interviewing challenge by committing to provide 2 customers (of the 40 needed) to do practice interviews with you for their training.
Enter these consultants on the bottom half of the tracking chart (consultants go in the gray boxes---customers go underneath their consultant)

If you recruit one out of every four interviewed, with 40 interviews done, that equals 10 recruits for the month! From 10 new recruits, the 3 qualified for the unit development bonus should be a piece of cake!

My suggestion is to call the consultants right away with a sense of urgency, trying to get the chart completely filled within 36 hours with the planned names (and phone numbers) of those who will be interviewed, then start booking your calendar full of the ones you are going to do in person and by three-way phone calls.

Your DIQs should do their own, and you may have some consultants that can do more than their 2 or 4 that you ask them for! You can take up one, two, or more columns with your personal interviews, too! I am going to offer a prize with the winner drawn at random when we complete the chart and get all 40 interviews done by the end of the month. I will draw a number between 1 and 40, with the name in the box with that number on the chart the winner. The customer and that consultant will both be winners!

Run the contest each month, July - November (but promote it like this is the ONLY month it will happen, so they will jump on this month's bandwagon!). The title of this contest will keep the company's Be Focused! contest on their mind---and they will be working towards that contest as they help you in this one!!!

Good luck if you give it a try :o)
Pink Hugs!
Barbara B. Dobbs, Sr. Sales Director