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I have used Stamps.Com for about four years now!  I don't know what I'd do without it! It saves me sooooo much time!  I always have the postage I need, when I need it (usually at midnight!)  I use it mostly for packages--mailing product orders to customers and prizes and new consultant training to my consultants. When I run out of regular postage (1st class stamps and postcard stamps), I can also print my own stamps! And it keeps reports of all the postage I buy (great for taxes at the end of the year) and who I have printed postage for (helps my memory if I can't remember if I mailed a package to someone.)

I order the labels for my packages, (which not only prints the postage, but also the address label and my return label) from (I copy and paste right out of Boulevard.) There is a link on the program to order more supplies and it comes in a day or two. I purchased a little digital postage scale and I was in business.

No longer do I have to run to the post office and stand in line.  I just weigh my packages, print it on the computer on the special paper I ordered, and stick the packages outside my door in my mailbox!  Soooo wonderful!  You can use the link below to get started!  It costs me $15.99 per month to use, but my time on a daily basis is worth more than that, not to mention the gas to and from the post office.

Click the picture above and enter promo code
to use Stamps.Com from your home office! No more standing in line at the post office for me!  I love it! I mail product orders and letters all from my home mailbox. All you need is a little postage scale. The rest is accomplished on your computer. I buy $10 to $20 of postage on-line using my credit card when my account gets low.