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Good-bye Voice Mail Scripts
by Julie Potts

This is when you have repeatedly called someone and it's time to toss the name, but you want to try just one more time. This is the message I can also leave this with a client that you have not talked to in several months. Remember that unless they need you, they probably won't return the call. So here are several of my recording scripts.......

Tried the name several times and can't get a sure that you are very chipper and happy when you make this call...try throwing in a little giggle too......"Hi___ this is Julie with MK. You are a hard person to get hold off. I am starting to think that you have changed your mind about having the MK makeover/be a model. I hope that I am wrong that you have just been very busy and haven't had a chance to call me back. If I am right then I will let this be the last time I try to contact you.....if I am wrong, and I truly hope that I am then please give me a quick call to let me know and I will gladly continue to work around your schedule. Again this is Julie with Mary Kay and my # is ___. Have a wonderful day!"

Client you can't reach...basically the same call...but instead of changing her mind about the products, I say "that you have switched to another brand or another consultant. I hope I am wrong and that you have just been busy and your products are holding up....... please give me a quick call so that I won't delete you. I appreciate your business, I know that you have options and I am grateful that I was able to help you in the past...and hopefully again in the future."

PCP calls to clients and you need to leave a message..."HI ___ This is Julie with MK. I'm sure that you have scanned the Book you got from me last week and there several samples that you'd like to try....give me a call back and I'll pop them in the mail to you. Also check your MK to see what you are running low on. If I don't hear from you then I'll assume that you are good for now and I'll call you back next month. I appreciate your loyalty to me and MK. This is Julie at ___.

Pre-profiling message..."Hi___ this is Julie with MK and I will be at hostess home on ___ at ____. I was hoping to chat with you for about 2 minutes to see what colors and skincare items that you are most interested in trying so that I can be prepared. Please call me back at ____ . We are going to have alot of fun next Tuesday and we will start on-time so don't miss the on-time pampering. Again this is Julie and you can reach me at ___. See you soon!

Once you know the script you can then be more creative with your personality. Scripts are imperative to a successful career...start memorizing scripts today!!!

Julie Potts
Future Exec Senior Director