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Need More Leads?
by Danee

Two weeks ago we had 4 family surgeries in seven days. I wanted to work my business the least amount of hours possible while nursing my family back to health that week!!! So here is what I did....

I dug back into my foggy memory banks to all of the success stories I had heard this past year to find the perfect 3-hour work week with maximum results! I'm sorry, but I cannot remember who sent the original e-mail with this idea last year to give her credit, but I can say that Wanda Christensen and Tracy Freckleton encouraged me to try this as they were experiencing success with it...Thanks Ladies!!!

On Monday, I ordered 50 pink carnations from my florist for Wednesday. She added the water tube at the bottom and charged me $.65 per flower. After dropping family patient number 2 off at home, I put on my "happy/power/good-color-for-my-face suit", packed a bag with a Satin Hands Set, a hand cream, slips of paper for a drawing and a few pens. I picked up my flowers and drove down the road about 7 miles to the first medical/office building that I found. I sat in the car in the parking lot shaking, sweating and praying that I would get through the next 30 minutes without any horrible thing happening. I left all business cards, lapel pins and books in the car so I would not be tempted to hand them out....That would be "soliciting."

I walked into the first office I found and said this while smiling and focusing on not tripping over myself...

"Hi, I'm Danee and I am honoring the women in your building this afternoon with a flower and a dollop of hand cream." (Hand over flower and offer a squirt of hand cream on them!!!)

Lots of ooohhs and aaahs follow....

Then I said "I am also raffling off this beautiful Satin Hands Kit to one lucky woman in this building today, would you like to enter the drawing?"

ooohhhs & aaahhhs

Then I said
"I will be calling everyone back whether you win the grand prize or not, because I have runner up prizes also."

They filled out the slip. I took those. I walked out. I stopped feeling faint....We all loved each other!!

If they asked me where I was from, I said, "I'm a professional beauty consultant with Mary Kay." If they asked me for a book or a card, I said, "Well, that would be soliciting and I do not want to break any rules. If you would like me to contact you for a book or card just note it on the drawing slip and I'll be sure to get back to you."

I felt so excited about the positive responses, that I ordered more flowers for Friday. Did the same thing, but at a different building.

Here's the breakdown...

My cost was $44 for flowers and $28 for 2 Satin Hand Prizes...also a gift certificate for $15 for all of the "runner up" prize winners who book with me....AKA everyone else who did not win Satin Hands Kit and book an appointment and keep it...(9 people)
Time investment : about 45 minutes in each building, 40 mins driving, 1.5 hrs follow up calls
Handed out 80 flowers & dollops of hand cream
Got 47 names/phone numbers
Lost 5 pound from perspiring in the parking lot
Booked 3 classes
Booked 6 facials
Booked 1 trade show...(booths in the library)
Have 11 "Call me after the holidays" people
Left messages that may or may not call back
My National Nancy Moser has assured me that these are good results!!!!!

Everyone took a flower...Everyone smiled and said "Thank You"...NOT ONE PERSON was rude or scary....

It was a great week and a great experience.

Things I will do differently next time...
I will hand out 10-20 flowers at a time so I can get back to all of the women that same evening.
I will make sure that I have the evening dedicated to calling those names back that same night.....I forgot that my success meeting was Wed night (the evening that I handed out flowers) so I did not start calling people until the next day & evening and then that stretched into the next day and evening because I missed so many either at home or work. The appointments I booked were the first women I called back. The later ones were happy to hear from me, but lost their interest in getting together even with a $15 Gift Certificate for them to spend.

The Dream Team