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Follow-up Your Recruiting Interview
by Dorothy Boyd
At the end of the recruiting interview, Prospect Pam is interested, but needs to “think about it” before making a decision. We hear it all the time. Out of concern that she's going to feel pressured, do you make the common mistake of giving her too long to think about it?  Every hour that passes between the time the interview is held and the agreement/money are processed online (or in your hands) decreases your chances of getting a “yes”, significantly. More than 24 hours is TOO long for you and her not to touch base personally, and really, the best decisions (from the heart) are made within that time frame. The wise recruiter learns not to let the prospect control the follow up process, or it will tend to bog down (no fun) and ultimately lead to a “no”.  Learn to respond in a script that comes across as sincerely helpful, not pushy:
"I can appreciate that, as I needed to sleep on it, too. I knew in my heart that I was really tempted to try Mary Kay, but I was very reluctant to make a decision on the spot.
"May I share with you my observations from working with dozens of women in the decision-making process? It has been my experience that women tend to make decisions out of emotion, either from the heart, or they make choices based upon fear… while men are more logical thinkers, don't you agree?
"Women are very intuitive, and like me, you probably already know in your heart whether you want to do this or not. I've observed that women rarely trust their own intuition, however, so they respond with over-analysis to the point of paralysis!  Have you ever done that? (smile and nod)

"Understand that right now you are feeling excited and energized about what you have heard, and therefore most open to the idea of stepping out of your comfort zone to pursue a dream! And I am excited and believe in you 110%!  When I leave today, I will be taking my excitement and my belief in you home with me and leaving you alone with all your fears! As hours pass, the fears will tend to grow. And as fear grows, it becomes even harder to make a wise decision or to take action on a new direction in your life. Does that make sense?
"Pam, I would much rather have your heart decision, even if it is a “no”, than a fear decision. By this time tomorrow, if you still haven't made up your mind, you will probably have more questions, and I want to be there for you to answer those concerns and build your confidence.

"So, if I promise not to pressure you in any way, may I have your permission call you tomorrow for your heart decision?
"Great, thanks. I am putting down 11:00 in the morning as an appointment for us to talk again. Just have your list of any new questions ready. And, between now and then, if you cannot stop thinking about Mary Kay…then it's probably your heart urging you to Go for It!  So I wish you a “sleepless night”! ( smile)
"Now, if for some reason I get  voicemail and have to leave a message, can I count on you to call me right back? I don't want you to feel like I am bugging you or to feel afraid to give me an answer, even if it's not the answer you think I would want to hear. The opportunity may not be for you and that's fine. Just call me back so we both can move on from there. Is that fair??

Our job as a professional is to make sure we call her back at the agreed upon time within a 24 hour period to ask something like,  “Well, is there any reason why we can't go ahead and get you started having fun and making money?” or something that hits HER “hot button”. Note:  Listening to a CD/Tape is not a prerequisite to the agreement, so don't let her put off with the excuse that she “hasn't watched the video yet”, or whatever.  After an interview, she has all the info she needs to make a decision. Recruiting materials are helpful steps in the layering process, but should not become a reason to procrastinate getting involved.  Never appear desperate.  If she becomes a new consultant wonderful .... if not, love her and move on.