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Pillow Gift
From Dynasty Area Director Laura Carter

Hi Donna,

This idea was shared by ....Million $ Director Pat Nuzzi (Diamond Division) a couple of years ago and has always been a great Holiday idea! xoxo, laura

From now until Christmas (and then again for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, you name it....) go up to all the men you can and simply ask them if they have completed their shopping yet. They will say yes or no, and you then ask them "Have you taken care of your pillow gift yet?" They will say "my what?" and you say "You mean you don't know about the pillow gift? It's the hottest thing going this year and your wife will absolutely love you the more for it. This isn't a Christmas gift...this goes on her pillow on Christmas night (adjust for whatever occasion you are using) as a special way to let her know how much you appreciate all she does to make Christmas so special for you and the family and to just say you love her. I have a very precious poem that I will attach to the gift with ribbon, and believe you me.... she will love you for it !"

When he asks about the let him know that it depends on how appreciative he wants to be. He can select anything from $25, $75, $225, or anything in between!

Along with this, you will give her a pampering appointment with you in the New Year.
What man in his right mind would refuse such a wonderful way to look great in front of his woman????

Here's the poem:
This is a PILLOW GIFT as you can see
Given with love for you, from me.
Given because I'm glad you're in my life
and because I am so grateful that you are my wife.
Given because I appreciate all that you do
Because life would not be the same without you.
Given with all the love I can give,
For a wonderful life with you, as long as we live.
Thank you for all the things you do to make my life so special!

I made this file with the poem...print on card stock.