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2004 Girlfriend Slumber Party
Wow, oh WOW! What a fun weekend we had!! This year we were sooo privileged to have Dynasty Area Senior Director Joy Cain and her unit join us at our Fall Retreat at my house! Joy, having been a florist in her past life, is a MASTER at creating a beautiful Open House display. I will show some pictures but they absolutely DO NOT do her display justice! It was sooo incredible watching her build this beautiful display.  And since I didn't put the leaves in my table, she didn't have a large enough space to work with, and she ended up putting lots of her great displays on the floor. And I forgot to take the pics of those.

Friday evening, what a treat!! The highlight of the entire evening (that went into the wee hours of the morning) was a conference call with Diamond National Consultant Queen of Sales Judy Wertheimer. She was the nation-wide winner of the Hydrate America Challenge and has nearly 900 customers! Not only does she work a full-time job, but she works part-time as a paralegal, and has a family and all the rest! She was so inspiring, graciously sharing with us all of her techniques and tips for great customer service! We heard her clear as a bell on the speaker phone and each consultant was able to ask specific questions and she took the time to answer them all!  Thank you so much, Judy! You are Queen in our hearts, too!

Saturday afternoon several consultants stayed for Advanced Glamour School. Learning the Robert Jones glamour techniques was a special treat. We missed you if you weren't able to come. Catch you next year at our annual Slumber Party!

(Click on Image to see larger view)
Listening to the call with Queen Judy Wertheimer!
Hanging out before bedtime.
Joy teaching on Holiday Open Houses.
Joy's Awesome Class
Beginning to build the table with boxes under the coverings for height.
The table is beginning to come together with two themes...the traditional red and green and snow.
The Red and Green theme.
Adding to the Snow and Ice theme. She used white tulle over a white cloth.
Fragrance and Nail Display
Men's Display
Back Side of the Snow Theme
Coffee Table Display