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Recruiting Interview Follow-up
by JoAnn Blackmon (I think)
Most of the skills in MK are gained through rote memorization... Overcoming objections and the opening and closing of your appointments are no exception. I have found that if you don't close the interview at the point of presentation OR WITHIN 24 hours that you are left in the dark and feel like you have to avoid that person...another thing that may happen is that she just keeps telling you she has to think about it so you end up calling her every couple of days ... or she's not there when you do try to close her and it's driving YOU crazy...because now you feel like you're "bugging" her and she agrees.  To avoid that uncomfortable feeling after the interview YOU MUST CLOSE THE INTERVIEW within 24 hours. Here are the scripts and strategies to use.
REMEMBER: Rote memorization!!

"Tell me Susie, after everything you've heard, if I were to ask you your interest level on a scale from 1-10 with 1 being, 'I would not do this if I was starving and 10 being that you're ready to get started today and 5 is in the middle and doesn't count,' where would you be on that scale? (QUIET UNTIL SHE ANSWERS-THE FIRST ONE TO SPEAK "LOSES" or WINS!!)

“Okay you're a 6 ... so let me understand what you're saying here.  A 6 would mean that you're considering joining Mary Kay but that you have a few questions.  So may I ask what is keeping you from being a 10?

Here is where you'll get objections and the first one is NOT her real objection so keep digging... write each one down
and follow with that all that's keeping you from joining? When she gets to yes.... then start to overcome the objections don't do it while she's "listing.” Once you've done that continue.

"Well, do you feel as though I've answered all of your questions?"

If yes then...

"Well, then, is there any reason why we can't just go ahead and submit your agreement today and begin your training?"

She may give you. "I just need to think about it or pray about it." I simply say, "That's great, could we pray about it together, right now?"


"Great! But, Susie, can I ask just one thing? I believe that you are an intelligent woman and that you probably know in your heart of hearts whether or not you want to do this (keep nodding your head yes here) so would it be okay if I call you tomorrow at 10 am to get your decision, (don't slow down...keep talking) because, you see, after 24 hours, I know you are going to call your best girlfriend and your mom to see if they think you would be good in Mary Kay, and they're going to tell you about women they know that did not do well in Mary Kay and some that did great, (this will happen so acknowledge it) but quite frankly, I'm not really interested in what they think about how good you're going to be.  I wouldn't have asked you to consider it if I didn't think you'd be great. I just want your decision, so is 10 am okay?"


"What is the best number to call? Great! And Susie, if I call you at 10 and you have decided to join me in Mary Kay, I will have a free gift for you. Now, if you dream of pink Cadillacs tonight and can't wait until 10 to talk, by all means call me and I'll be right over!!!"

(CRITICAL... this releases the awkwardness if she says no)
"Oh and Susie, I want you to know that Mary Kay is not for everyone, so if you decide not to join Mary Kay I am still looking forward to servicing you as one of my preferred customers. I don't want to lose you as a friend. We all need customers or we'd be out of business, right? So please, know I'll be fine with whatever you decide, okay? Great! I'll call you at 10.

If, when you call at 10 and she's not there, here's the message you leave:

"Susie, this is Nancy and I was calling to get your decision about Mary Kay, I must have written the wrong time down in my book. Would you mind calling me today at 555-1234 so we can talk more? Looking forward to it! Bye!!!"

If you don't hear from her that day, MAKE ONE call to her that evening. Begin with:

" Susie, I was out all day and was sure you probably tried to get hold of me."

If you're leaving it on the answering machine...

"I'm home now and we'll be up until midnight, so give me a call at 555-1234."

If she still does not call, make ONE CALL THE NEXT DAY:

"Susie, this is Nancy with Mary Kay and I didn't hear from you yesterday and I really don't want to seem pushy or as if I'm bugging you about this. As much as I would love to have you join me in Mary Kay, I realize it's not for everyone and I would still love to keep you as a friend and customer, so, because I want you to love me if I don't here from you, say by 8 pm tonight, I'm going to assume that you are not interested, and I won't call about joining Mary Kay again. Hope that's okay. My number is 555-1234. Bye."

If she has no answering machine, assume caller id and call no more than 3 times (at the agreed upon time, that same night, and the next day or evening). If she never picks up, SEND her a postcard saying,

"Susie, I tried to call, but must have written down the wrong number. If you are still interested in joining Mary Kay, please call me BY FRIDAY at 555-1234. If I don't hear from you by then, I'm going to assume that you are not interested in joining MK at this time, and that you would just like to continue as a good customer. You know I still need good customers! Thanks for meeting with me on _______ and thanks for being you!"

Say to YOURSELF, NEXT!! And go on to your next opportunity. Remember, this is a numbers game and you just need to see enough people.