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Luxury Lunches
by Senior Director Jennifer Barrett

I have been doing Luxury Lunches since just after I started Mary Kay full time. They are a great addition to a weekly accomplishment sheet. Below are points I covered in an email to a director in Maureen Myers Future Area. I show glamour, sample TimeWise on the back of hands, have gift ideas (seasonal) and supplements, and fragrances too! But I want them to buy skin care or at least get a taste for it, so that they book! I think you can really make this happen for your daytime business. I've attached a flyer to use. It is great stuff! I think the main things you need to convey to the boss at the business are:

Many of their employees, after working for them all day, with kids, etc, don't have the time or energy to even think about doing something for them. (Don't say, having a Mary Kay party, because then it sounds like sales)

There is no purchase necessary & everything is 100% satisfaction guaranteed. It is just a chance for them to offer their employees a fun midday break.

Use words like "I am a professional consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics and this is a service I provide for busy women who work in offices during the day." Offering it as, like you said, an employee perk makes it more appealing to some.

I also stress that I can do it a couple of different ways, however they designate, as they are the boss...during a lunch hour, and be gone in 1 hour...over a few lunch hours, so they can come in a different designated time, if that works better for them...I have even done a 5pm, right -after -work appointment.

Suggest that the employer surprise the employees with it, and go right into booking--ask what their least busy days are. Sometimes, they'll say, "Well, let me check with everyone and see if there is interest"...AVOID THAT. These women don't even know what it is, and neither does he.  Reassure him that they will love the "field trip" during their day! Go right into booking, just like with your customers.

If it makes you feel more comfortable, start with your customers. Best customers down to average. Because there is already a loyal audience there, it will be easier to get in. So, go through your profiles and figure out where everyone works. Give them a call at work or home and ask them who the Personnel manager or Human Resources person is...or an office manager or boss- ask if you can have 5 minutes of their time. If not, email or mail or fax the form and follow up.

It might go something like this "Hi, __________________this is Jennifer Barrett with Mary Kay Cosmetics, how are you today? GREAT! Do you have a moment for me? Wonderful! I have been letting all of the businesses in the area know about a great service that I have been providing for employees- one that will make YOU look like a hero! As you know, many of the women who work in your business probably have kids, husbands, households to run, practices and games to get to- and very little time to do anything for themselves. That is where I come in! With your help! The service is called Luxury Lunches, and it is a midday break for your employees on a day and time that you designate. I come to your office and let your employees sample our products...they can order lunch in (or you could treat) and they get to have a great time! All women love to look great and love nice things, but few have time to do this for themselves. There is absolutely no purchase necessary, but they are allowed to order if they fall in love with something. This is really a great benefit for your employees, it makes them feel like they are on a "field trip", it builds great esprit d' corps and it doesn't cost you a dime! So what part of the week works better for your office staff, the first part of the week, or later? Lunch hour or over a couple of hours, and they come in shifts? Great! All I need is a conference table or a desk! Your employees will love this! I will send you a flyer that you can give to all of them, ok? Thanks for your time, and I will be in touch in a few days!"

Not only will this supplement your evening and weekend sales income, but you are gaining a lot more professional women for customers and future recruits. You can gather a lot of knowledge about a work environment by BEING THERE! A lot of perks here for YOU as the consultant!

Be brave! Women want what we have to offer, from the products to the career. You have everyone fill out a customer profile, so you have numbers to follow up with. Have a GREAT booking incentive and have your date book ready!! This is how Mary Kay built the business in the 60's...with daytime appointments! Think of the added sales to your week! Could this excite anyone who is interested in more sales and names on a daily, weekly, monthly basis? I have a bank that I go to every quarter when the NEW LOOK book comes out! 4 times a year! Automatic! PLUS a special HOLIDAY SHOW!

Take charge and go get those businesswomen!