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Client Profile
Kristine told me that she had always heard that she should ask questions of her client before the facial, to find out their needs. It wasn't until she sat down and created this client profile that she figured out what to ask them. Using her profile sheet prior to the facial has totally turned her busines around! Print her Client Profile, then review the questions she uses with it.

By Kristine Leach

Page 1 General Info They fill this out.
Page 2 MRS. CAB game in a class setting....a recruiting interview sheet otherwise.
Page 3 the NAME GAME in a class setting....getting referals otherwise.
Page 4 This is the page I ask the questions on. I fill this out as they answer. The top part is pretty self explanitory. Based on their age or skin type I mark TimeWise or Velocity during this.

When I get to the Wish List part, I ask:
Are you a foundation wearer? (Flawless skin set.If they like foundation, they will use DR and TW for powder. If not, just TW.) Tell them you will help pick the perfect shade for their skin tone.
Do you have break out problems? Often? Occassionally? (Bye Bye Blemishes)
Do you have dry, chappy lips? (Lipsavers set)
Do you have dry, chappy hands? (Satin Hands)
Is fighting age or erasing some of the boo-boos we have made with our skin important to you? (30 day facelift)
Do you have problems with crepiness, or use a make up remover at all? (For Your Eyes Only)
Do you like to wear color at all? (color to go set)
Are you a lipstick or lip gloss wearer? (Smack Pack Set)

If you are doing a class, you do your presentation. If it is a facial, you say: "Based on what you're telling me, these are the sets you need. What would you like to try?" When they have tried what they want to, you ask what sets they liked, then what is realistic for them at this time.

Have my sales increased? YES
Have they purchased every set they needed? No
Did they make arrangements to buy a set per month until they get them all? EVERY TIME
They leave happy, serviced, and they look at you like the professional you are.