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Brain Book
by NSD Dawn Dunn

BRAIN BOOK CONCEPT for a Successful Mary Kay Business

Establishing an organized notebook will help produce a more efficient, focused approach to your MK business. The sooner you can utilize this, the easier the business will run.

It's critical to keep all the loose ends of your business in ONE SPOT!! Make it a goal to keep track of all aspects of your business in this one location. Get a 3-ring binder with lots of tabs just for your MK.


1. Focus Goals:

List on a sheet of paper the 5 things you want most out of life and 5 things you want our of your MK career. These desires/dreams may change every couple of months, so look over this list every time you need to "re-focus and be willing to adjust the list when necessary. Remember, emotions/moods can be up and down, but this gives you an anchor to cling to. It will help you persevere at times when you wonder where am I really heading with this? and Is it worth it? Yes, it is!! What are your goals? You decide Keep your priorities straight!

2. Weekly Schedule:

Decide how much time you want to invest in your MK business. Map out a game plan to reach these goals based on the time you are willing to put into MK. Consider it a real privilege to decide your work schedule. For instance, two different consultants can want the car one is working 30 hours/week and has it in 6 months; another works 15 hours/week and has it in a year. Don't compare your goals and schedule to others. Make it work for you, but STICK TO IT!! Seeing it as the
Ideal schedule versus the exact schedule will free you from some frustration.

It's crucial that you establish the hours you want to work and then STICK TO IT.

Frustration results when you feel out of control and non-productive. Having time set aside specifically for MK eliminates guilt and the wasting of time!

Realize that your schedule may change from time to time so be willing to sit down and re-evaluate. YOU MUST MAINTAIN A WORKING SCHEDULE TO SEE THINGS WORK!!! Success in MK does not happen by chance or fitting things in when You want! Don't hesitate to call your director and get her to help you create a schedule that will work for you.

Begin by writing in the following commitments:

1. God time (church commitments, daily devotion, etc.)

2. Family time (kids' ball-games, husband date time, etc.)

3. MK time (time committed to work your MK business)

4. Then fit in hobbies, pleasure, etc.

Based on the goals you decide, keep a running IDEAL WORK WEEK sheet in this Section so you can always have a game plan handy!! This should be followed week after week to help you stay on target with your MK business and to ensure that you're performing what is IMPORTANT to success, not just being busy with MK. Use the info below as a guide to design your own. (This is used in conjunction with your datebook. Sometimes just having a datebook isn't enough because it's not targeting you with what you should be doing during your MK time. A weekly plan sheet and an Ideal Work Week sheet will keep you productive and focused. Stick to it!

3. Contacts:

To help you keep track of all your booking potentials and leads, keep track of everyone you may think of or meet. Keep these names with you at all times so you can maximize your booking potential!! When you're near a phone and have a spare moment or tow, make a quick call. It's a lot of fun to get bookings wherever you are. Keep your excitement alive by keeping that date book full!! For instance, I used to take my brain book along to my husbands' basketball games.

During halftime, I'd run to the pay phone & make 5 quick calls and get a new booking or two. Then I was so fired up, I'd go back to the stands and be willing to give out business cards to a few people around me and schedule something from there as well. The excitement was contagious. If I hadn't had those names with me, I would have lost out on a full datebook and opportunity to utilize a few important moments of phone time.

Don't wait for the TWO HOURS you've got delegated to phone time to make some contacts. Take advantage of the MINUTES to make the WEEKS count in your business! Because YOU are organized with your brainbook, your business is able to thrive!

This section will contain all referral, warm chatter names, friends and relatives, names obtained from facial boxes, etc. Get in the great habit of putting names in this place immediately.

4. Recruit Potentials:

This is one of the favorite sections in my brainbook & I really believe it was instrumental in helping me achieve the National Court of Recruiting 4 times. I use it CONSTANTLY. My goal is to fill this section with Names, Names, Names. It is critical to keep a balance between Book, Sell, & Recruit in this business. It is much easier to recruit, however, when you start out focusing on booking RECRUIT potentials. Then, you're always working with recruit potentials! I target ladies that seem nice and of a recruitable age & time in life. I do not waste a lot of time facialing people that don't seem like a potential recruiting prospect for this business.  (Example: People with bad attitudes, etc.)

As soon as I hold the appointment, see they genuinely like the product, andHopefully sell product to them, I offer recruiting information & immediately interview them if possible. As soon as I am in my car and on the way home from the appointment, I enter their name and phone number in my recruit potential section. I am obsessed with keeping track of these leads. If their name is only on the profile and they get filed away with ALL our Other customers, it is much harder to stay focused & recruit.

From this list, I prioritize these recruit potentials for inviting to Monday night meetings and special MK events, keep track of what information they have been given, and what their response is. Even if I have interviewed them and they are not interested at the time, I can go back at a later time & remember to invite them to a function. These leads are not as easily overlooked and can make the difference between recruiting someone 6 months from now or not. The recruit potentials (which are almost always my very best customers remain my top priority.)

5. Training

Keep notes from each weekly meeting & seminar organized in this section. When it gets a little full, remove it and file at home in your filing cabinet under the appropriate subject. That way, you can be ready to review a given topic when you need help on training speech when you're called upon to teach sometime at a unit meeting, or pass the information along to a recruit that may need help in that particular subject.

6. Weekly Summary Sheet

By keeping your weekly summary sheet in here, you can update it after each class and sale. At the end of the week, total it up, send a copy to your director, and put the original in your tax file. Keeping up to date with these on a DAILY basis will make paperwork a breeze! It's so much easier than hoping to tally everything at the end of the week or worse, at the end of the month or year!!

7. Scripts

Keep the scripts handy so you can turn to the section and have ideas of what to say.

8. Copy of your Preferred Customer List

Having the names and phone numbers of your best customers at your fingertips can be helpful, especially if you're away from your office and need to contact someone. Jotting a quick note is also a breeze when their address is handy!!

Additional sections can be added to YOUR brainbook to make your effort easy. For instance, you may want a section on Pre-profiling to keep track of all the people who are supposed to come to your skin care classes. Be creative, BUT GET ORGANIZED!


5 Things I want out of life:

5 Things I want from my Mary Kay career:


Week of:

Sales Goal:

Interview Goal:

Booking Goal: (Schedule twice as many appointments as you need to hold)

Classes Held
Interviews Held

MK Meeting Attended? _____

Spoke with Director this week?_____

Filled out weekly summary? _____

New Recruits? (list names)
Up-coming events (flyers with details to back up dateboook)
Keep your Star Planner in your brain book as well.
Details of Unit promotions.