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My 6 Secrets of Success
Author Unknown

I became a Director in Qualification within 6 months of joining Mary Kay. I was not a top sales Consultant during that time. I was not a big star in my Unit. But I did move quickly up the ladder to Directorship. Here are my
6 Secrets to Success as a new Beauty Consultant:

1. I HAD A BOUNCE-BACK QUALITY; RESILIENCE. I have always believed that some good comes from everything. I looked for the good in each facial, interview, Class. My ATTITUDE was good and I kept a good sense of humor.

2. I TURNED THE NEGATIVE INTO POSITIVE IMMEDIATELY. For example, when something canceled at the last moment, I made sure I did something positive right at that moment to take its place.

****PLEASE NOTE the difference between #1 and #2...the first is the positive attitude I had, and the second what I did about it; the positive action I took.

3. I PLAYED THE GAMES. I won everything! I allowed the child in me to
come out. Very few of us are $$$ motivated. Why think you should be? The little things we do turn into the big successes in our business.

4. I WORKED WITH MY DIRECTOR. I called her to crow; I called her to
cry. I called her for advise and to brainstorm an idea. I never doubted that she cared for me and my success. We talked every few days. She was my mentor.

5. I HAD A SENSE OF URGENCY. I did immediately what I knew was right to do. Procrastination is not your friend. The task is not done until you finish it! I did what my Director told me to do.....the minute I hung up the phone!

6. I NEVER QUIT! I worked until the last moment ... of the last hour ... of the last day ... for every goal I set. It didn't matter whether I reached the goal....I KNEW I DID MY BEST.

Follow these guidelines. Be committed. Give your best effort. Work your business EVERY day.