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Projecting Production
by NSD Pamela Waldrop Shaw
I have discovered that there are factors separating Top directors from 'other' directors, and one of them is strategizing and projecting (planning in advance) the production of your unit. So let's talk about how to do this.
Step 1. Get a current copy of your printout (you can probably add in every order placed in your unit for this month)

Step 2. Hide the names of your printout and look only at production. Highlight your A,B,C people based on their consistent wholesale orders. You are looking for at least 3 mo. consistency.
Consistent 600+ (and/or new STARS or new qualified) = A people
Consistent 400+ = B people
Consistent 200+ = C people
Now uncover and see if your colors match up what you know about their names. Any surprises?
Are you working to move your good sellers to a higher selling level (increasing your 180's to 300, for example?
Who can you bring from 400-600 with a challenge and promote as STAR either this or next quarter?
Are they Team Building? If not, why? They have customers to interview!
Who has ordered, but you haven't seen them or seen a summary in a long time? RED FLAG! Get in touch and find out what you can do to 'get her back on track!'
Step 3. Now, look at the names and pencil in what you think each person in your base will order this month based on the goals they have given you (or will be giving you this week at meeting!) If you have already gotten their goals on line--perfect!) Think about your Consistency Club, Star STATUS, any upcoming Quarterly events or celebrations where they will be recognized for their efforts as it relates to wholesale orders. You must have all the reasons to order clearly in your mind! IF THEY ARE SELLING, THEY NEED TO ORDER!
Step 4. Look at your New People from the past two months. Has anyone NOT ordered at all?
Communicate with all who have not ordered at all and find a reason for them to order. Schedule (re-schedule) that Business Debut or First Class

If they have ordered, THE SECOND, THIRD ORDERS are even more important than the first. Make their MK money your business from the beginning. How much is in their MK account? Give guidance to getting 'on profit' and paying their initial investment down.
New People are very important to guide closely. By now, I'm sure you have enjoyed(?) many pitfalls by not supporting new people with enough leadership, so the question is, how long will you continue to make the same mistakes? Get in their business. You promised them at the interview that you'd teach them all you know and support their Success! Do not put your head in the sand now!
Step 5. Make a list of your RECRUITERS and consultants who have expressed they want to Team Build. (RED Jacket Rally, Vision Quest, etc. Create the urgency!!)
How many recruits has each potential recruiter expressed she wants to add and WHY?
How many teams do you have working to meet/surpass production to move up? (Don't let them even think about $4000 as a goal---take it to 10k)
How many new personals do you want to add? [Look honestly at the size of your personal team and remember that a Team Leader in our co. has 5 and a Grand Achiever 12...In my personal opinion, it is unacceptable for you to have fewer than 25 and the goal must be 40-50.  Your willingness to step up to this plate = the amount of time it will take you to get to NSD. Multiplying leaders and enriching lives implies that you must go out to make yourself a servant to find these people so you can add to their lives in a positive way!].
Take that total # projected and know that IF you provide the environment, the focus, and the encouragement and follow up for them to RECRUIT, you can count on 1/2 to 1/3 of the goal set to actually come in.
Step 6. Assign an initial order to each newly projected person (check the averages your new people are coming in with.  If you added 8 new consultants last month and $4000 came from new production, then your average new order last month was $500 per new. If you had $8000 from 8 new people, then your new consultant initial order averaged $1000 per new.  Take the last 6 mos. if you want a better average.) An additional question is do you have a strong inventory orientation and process for your new people to support their most profitable start?  NEXT STEP audio, welcome letter, phone or individual conference about inventory options using the brochure with photos and free bonus products pictured.
Now you have a 'projection' of your month--how much you are expecting from:
SELLERS (stars)TEAMS (projected)
NEW PEOPLE, misc.- Pearls, Sr. Recruiters, new red jackets (projected)
From here you must SET up your communication and appointments! Major communication (written and verbal) with everyone you assigned anything to! Are they on the date book to get results they have spoken/written?  Are you willing to tell them if they are not? Can you counsel them to shift their thoughts and get on the date book stronger? Will you inspect what you expect in 2 or 3 days after you talk with each person? Next week? The Third Week?  How about yourself?  What is your game plan to recruit 2,3,4,5 new personals?  Do you have the seeds planted, appointments scheduled, and time blocked out to carry it through and lead by example?  You cannot transfer a skill you don't own.

Step 7. For fun, figure out your check! Take into account all the places you earn 'more'. New Unit QUALIFIED recruits= $100 bonus per recruit and a max. of $300 a month.   Don't leave that money on the table. NINE for the quarter= an additional $600. IF YOU ARE LEAVING THIS MONEY BEHIND, YOU HAVE A WRONG FOCUS AS A DIRECTOR AND YOUR TIME IS BEING MIS-SPENT. 26% on your new personals and existing personal team! Volume bonuses! Is your projection on the line of a higher bonus ? What are you going to do to assure 'bumping' it up?

Step 8. Take a MONTH at a glance calendar. Schedule your month, your personal appointments, your blocks of time to do 'practice' interviews for your unit's next ON Targets and DIQ's so that you can mentor and transfer skills to your people.  Decide what communication needs to go out when, the timeliness of your newsletter, calls to 'close' stars, etc....Take 5 weekly plan sheets and fill them in as completely as you can. [This is a 'duh', but schedule your Quiet time, exercise, family time, date night, games, children's activities---all in here and have a family meeting at the beginning of each month to communicate where everybody will be when. This is where if you do not have delegated house and office help you begin to fall apart, and say, "I can't do this!" Right you are!!! Get help! Ever heard that before? If you want to take a Leadership leap, you must have delegated help!]
Step 9. Put your FOCUS FOLDER together. I have a one page that prioritizes the people I am working with and in an order where phone numbers are listed for quick reference.  It is with me wherever I go.
These could be your priorities if you have 125 or fewer in your unit:
New Personal Recruits(Your future offspring directors and your National area)
Key People (moving up in RED)
New Consultants from last month
DIQ's (there is a gradual letting go process here...need to communicate with her 'your role/my role'--this is a separate message)
New Unit Recruits
Other Star Consultants and Sellers
Unit meeting prep/New Consultant education
Rest of unit
Customer Service
Anything else

ALL PAPER IS DELEGATED EXCEPT POSTCARD WRITING and email communication and design (outline and perhaps wording, not the actual handout) of additional tracking or communication. Any time you are doing paper over people, you cut your paycheck and you slow down your future promotions.
Step 10.Make sure that your programs are clear. That you have an active Hostess Program for March- a reason for your consultants to be in the field, equipping them with scripts.  Make sure your meeting agendas support selling, recruiting, and appreciation and education and involve and 'train' them with leadership experience by sharing in the responsibility. Make sure your programs and pacesetters line up with the co. programs. Make sure that each event is guest-oriented and recruiting results-oriented!
How many Red Jackets do you want in your unit?  How are you promoting this? Visuals?
How many DIQ's and Car Drivers? What are your visuals? How is this 'driven' in?
How many STARS? Visual? Rewards? Recognition? Seating?
How many New Consultants added? Unit size you are working towards? Unit club?
DO THEY KNOW?? If you don't lead, communicate, they don't know!!!! Give them a bandwagon to jump on!
Idea: Have as your meeting sign-in sheet a page that runs Monday-Sunday across with a place to write their name at the far left column going down.  As they sign in, they write 'scc' for the days they have classes and 'f' or 'df' for their facials, double, and "I" for interviews. This way you know when to call them after appointments to find out who their 'four-point picks' are, who their future classes are with, etc. This allows you to mentor in the moment, and also gives you a schedule to send new consultants to observe classes in the field.
Suggestions: Master the DISC personality styles so that your communication with your people is effective.  Continue to grow your leadership by listening to tapes such as those from Dr. John Maxwell and read books and on-line lessons about Leadership.
"It is no longer acceptable for you not to take full responsibility for increasing your knowledge. You must take this responsibility as a LEADER"