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DISC Overview
The "D's" have read the Career Essentials and know they could have created a better one. The "I's"  don't know where to find theirs. The "S's" have read it cover to cover, more than once. The "C's" have read it, found the typos, and have called the company to report it.

D - DOMINANT -Promoter/Leader
Reinforcers: ACTION - success, challenges, practicality, being in charge
Recruiting: loves to earn according to individual effort, work quickly and independently, wants challenges, financial incentives, specific milestones to aim for
Training: needs to learn how to make positive, constructive suggestions - sell her on how organization, coming to meetings, and patience when working with others can help her succeed - she has trouble with the team approach, show her how it makes her successful -- don't check on her excessively - make expectations clear
Needs: high goals, recognition with financial rewards, wants results now

I - INFLUENCING - Creator/Performer
Reinforcers: FUN - everything is in terms of fun, freedom, approval, popularity, high visibility, acclaim, applause, attention
Recruiting: likes testimony about how others have succeeded in MK, opportunities for special recognition, flexible schedules, opportunities to entertain
Training: needs to be kept on track - must have structure and discipline provided - needs frequent, visible reassurance that she is important to you - review progress regularly - congratulate at meetings - always ask what she heard you say before ending your training discussion - whenever possible, have her put plans in writing - stress importance of good work habits - really help her with habits and organization
Needs: team enthusiasm, popularity, appreciation, and to be creative

S - SECURITY - STEADY - Helper/Supporter
Reinforcers: FAMILY/FRIENDS - loves warmth, openness, acceptance, loyalty, tradition
Recruiting: likes a warm, friendly, team-building organization, does well in face to face contact, needs one-on-one supervision and access to supervisor for discussions
Training: needs step-by-step direction, support, friendly encouragement, a lot of follow-up and feedback from her director - encourage completion of all training assignments - stress that she tells you what she needs - rejections may discourage her
Needs: may neglect goals for sake of good relationships, will enjoy telling personal  success stories and personal anecdotes at meetings

Reinforcers: STRUCTURE - enjoys being busy, achieving specific goals
Recruiting: wants stable, goal-oriented organization, loves to be trained, needs evidence that MK offers a proven formula for success
Training: wants to know all the details before beginning anything - wants to move slowly and have evidence that your suggestions will work - must see you follow your own advice - doesn't like deadlines
Needs: her strength is logical, problem-solving ability, everything should be in its place, perfectionist

From Linda Toupin: Step one of the interview is to ask her to tell you something about herself. Even if you are best friends or this is your mom go ahead and ask the question. You may be surprised by what is said. The chances are excellent that she will respond one of 4 ways:

She will tell you about her job, what she is in charge of, how many people she supervises, what groups she coordinates etc. She is most likely a "D".  She is looking for money and management. Get to your points quickly and show her how the commission structure works and how she moves up. Doesn't care, necessarily, about the fluff; she will learn to like that later.

She will tell you about herself, what she likes, she may even take you back to when she was in high school; the chances are you will have no problem getting her to answer this question. She most likely is high energy but not necessarily. She is looking for prizes and recognition. She will appreciate seeing your star consultant brochure for the quarter, seminar prize brochure, any rings or gifts that you have earned. Show her pictures of Seminar and talk about your girlfriends.She is an "I". She loves people and will enjoy the social part of what you do. Don't bore her with details and lots of paper.

She will tell you about her family, her children, husband, parents, and work she does for the school or church, her home, etc. She will probably not use the word I often. She is an "S". She is looking for something that will fit around her family's schedule. She will appreciate all that you share in the interview and you should cover all points on your sheet. You will want to show her one of your weekly plan sheets and how you work this around your busy life. She will need to see flexibility and will do this to help and provide for her family.

She will be quite analytical. She may even ask you what you mean by that question and why you want to know that. She will have lots of questions and may even come to the interview with a list. You will want to go through the entire interview sheet with her. She will research this company and possibly know more than you do. You may need to call your director with some of her questions. She is a "C". She loves organization and systems. She will love Career Essentials. Because she is a perfectionist she will appreciate knowing that she will be trained.

Which one am I?  Which one are you?  Which one represents each person on your current team?