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Bringing Guests To A Function
*Confirm...Confirm....CONFIRM! Invite...Invite...INVITE!
They will come based on your excitement!

Confirmed your Guest
Given names & #'s to your Director or DIQ
Coached her (what to wear, no children...etc.)
Time (event begins at 7 p.m. - doors open at 6)
Make the ride fun (only talk about her)
Save a seat and mingle (introduce her to everyone - show & tell Products and Case)

1. When Confirming Guests - does she know?
Her name is in for a product drawing of Free Mary Kay
We'll have food & music!
What to wear (professional dress - if she comes in jeans & we're all looking good, she'll feel out of place)
She is a Special Guest
You will have a Special Gift for her!
She can bring girlfriends...
Doors open at 6 p.m.

2. Give your hottest names & numbers to your Director or DIQ so she can leave a fun message on her machine's just like confirming Guests for a Skin Care Class!

3. On the way in the Car....
Make it fun....snacks & fun music (find a 50's station!)
Only talk about her (no Mary Kay) and don't talk about yourself!
Ask questions....
How was your day
Kids? Their activities?
Husband? Where she met him?
Where she grew up?
Out of town family?
Her job? Hobbies?
What she does for fun?

4. When you arrive.....
Sit as close to the front as possible
Put your things down & mingle (food, product displays, case, etc. etc.)
Do not sit until the program begins (that way she won't be tired before we even begin)
Introduce her to as many people as you can - showcase her.."Pam, I want you to meet one of my most loyal Customers....Jane. She's from.." Don't say... "Jane, I want you to meet Pam" - remember...the focus is all on HER!


TimeWise or Miracle Set
Choices Tapes
Consider the Possibilities Videos
Any Recruiting Literature appropriate for your Guests!

Be should be clapping & cheering the loudest....your Guests are watching...they will be excited and sit on the edge of their chairs if YOU are!

When offered the opportunity to become a Consultant tonight...
Look at your Guest...because she'll be looking at YOU!

KEY PHRASES (Choose what applies)....say to your Guests...
You love the product!
Do you realize how much you've spent with me this last year!
You owe it to yourself and your family!
There's never been a better time at Mary Kay!
You have everything to gain....nothing to lose!
What in the world would keep you from at least trying...
We would have so much fun together!
I would love for us to Team up together!
I will help you!
We can be the Dynamic Duo!

GET THE PICTURE....YOU ARE MAKING HER FEEL SECURE! Don't forget to thank her for coming and make sure she receives a gift!

Scenario 1--She says "YES"!

You must fill out the agreement BEFORE you leave! Don't say....agreement, contract, etc. that's scary....
SAY.... It will take 2 seconds to fill out this sheet....I just need your birth date and ss#.......(address, phone, etc.- you probably already have) Get her email address too!
For the Case we can use MC, Visa, Discover, Check or Cash....what's easiest for you?
Get the $106.75 + tax in some form of payment

You always need to have a sense of urgency
Great...we can get this mailed tomorrow & you'll have your Case for Easter and that's perfect - you'll be seeing your entire family!
If she stutters on the payment - ask if she can give a postdated check

SCENARIO 2.....She didn't say yes....but she didn't say no either. This means she just needs layering...more info. Offer to give her a...
Choices Tape (to listen to again)
Consider the Possibilities Video (great for husbands)
Send her to your Website and the Mary Kay

These are things you say on the ride home....
Did you have fun?
Out of all you saw & heard, what impressed you the most?
Who could you relate to?
In your wildest dreams, if you ever did become a Consultant, what would appeal to you? (she will answer: extra $$$, flexibility, taxes, kids, fun, outlet, etc.) You will know what her "Hot Button" is!
Then you relate Mary Kay to her situation & if you've done your homework on the ride'll know how this can fit into her life!

Give her some Info/Tape/Video and Say....
Go home & do the Sleep Test or Pillow Test.....if you think about it...dream about it & get up tomorrow still thinking about it - we need to talk!
When following up, use the same phrases from yesterday..... What in the world do you have to lose....
Worst case'll get your own products at cost!

SCENARIO 3.....she absolutely say's NO WAY (and that's ok)
You ask the same questions on the way home
You still give her a Tape, etc. etc.
But you take it AWAY from her...ask her to be a Talent Scout for you. I would offer $50 free product for referring a Consultant to you!
Get her to have a Update...or a Girl's Night Out!

Get the WIN either way! The more people that know about us...the more people you'll have on your Team!

Don't come to a guest event alone...I repeat DO NOT COME will be so upset with yourself! Find a Way...Make a Way...there are people who are rearranging their whole life to get here! WHY? Because their Consultant has PAINTED THE PICTURE....