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Cold Booking Just Got Warmer
This article has some good points to it. Even though Velocity is no longer new, and we are no longer giving away a VW, you can take the concepts and the current sweepstakes and make it work for you. This is still good information.  ddb

By Susie Kopacz
Hello Consultants,
My mind is reeling with ideas to help you get your business running.  I don't think in my 20 years that I have ever had such a profitable and EASY business as is happening right now with Mary Kay. Mary Kay has such a wonderful reputation, the products are the best and everyone knows and respects the quality of them and our company! You are in Mary Kay at the right time, that is for sure!
Now...on to bookings. I hate the term "cold bookings". Why do you think they're called "cold"? Because, people hate cold things...cold food, cold weather, cold feet....of course there's some things we do like cold, like a cold drink on a hot day, cold ice cream???? Can you think of any others? The negative cold outweighs the positive.'s what I think....we call it "cold" booking because we hate to do it. Why? Because we face rejection. That's right...rejection, which I don't know anyone who likes rejection.
The answer....don't get rejection! Most consultants will say at this point, "So what you're saying is...don't cold book!" WRONG! The real answer is
Learn to book so that you won't get rejection!!! Impossible? Not at all. Here's some tips for you to try.
First of all, most people nowadays have heard and probably have tried Mary Kay. So...when you approach them, you are new to them, but what you're offering probably is not. BUT, now with the new Velocity, you do have something NEW!! And the word "NEW" is an attraction.
The next thing to remember is that people hate to be "pushed". If you 'go for the kill' and book an appointment on the spot with someone you don't know, chances are you'll get a date set, but when the time comes...she's gone, won't answer the door or leave you hanging with nothing!  Why bother, when you know the rate of return on a booking with someone you don't know is so low!!!
Therefore, don't 'go for the kill', instead, go for the "birth"! That is right, go for the birth of a new relationship! Women today are into healthy relationships, but they are savvy, and smart and leery of anyone who might take advantage of them.
So, now you're saying to yourself, OK, I understand and agree with you that you shouldn't 'go for the kill', but what is 'go for the birth'? And you're saying 'the women I work with, see, come in contact with are all older than 22'...and wouldn't use the Velocity.
OK...are you ready to learn something new? Here goes:
#1 Velocity was created and marketed to reach the 14-22 year old market, HOWEVER, since it is designed for oilier complexions, that age limit doesn't apply! I sold 3 Velocity sets just this week to women aged 53, 38 and 35!  Forget the age limit...there is none! If they have oily skin, they'll LOVE it!
#2 How do you 'birth' a relationship with someone you don't know but want to have as a customer?- By building rapport. Here's a script you might try:
   I would first of all, look your best, and have samples with you...the new Velocity with the fragrance clipped to the Velocity sample middle section. Walk up to them with a BIG smile and excuse yourself for interrupting. Tell them you are a MK consultant and that you have been asked by the management of MK (that's your director!) to pass out samples of the NEW Velocity products to as many women in the area, and would she mind if you gave her some samples. Reiterate to her that you're not selling anything, you just need to get the samples in women's hands and then get their feedback. Give her your web address (circled on your business card, and point it out to her as you give it to her) and tell her they can answer the survey questions on line and also register for a free VW too! Again, tell her there is no purchase required, you just need people to respond to the survey of the New Velocity products.  (notice I said at this point "Velocity Products"....there is a reason behind this. I learned about it from my college age secretary who said "Notice on the Velocity products, the Mary Kay name is printed so small you can hardly see it. I think that is cool because we younger girls think Mary Kay is for our Mom's. This way, we would use it and not think it's for older women!" I have since asked other young girls, and they have agreed with her!)
When they go on-line and answer the survey questions, they have to fill in their name and address, so you'll have their info without asking for it! :-)  Women RARELY turn down a free sample of something. Some might even show an interest and ask more questions, so be sure to bring along Look Books. Leave her with only what she might ask for (no more, that is pushy) and thank her for her time. If she expresses the interest, offer to send other samples to her through the mail. Now, you have a reason to ask for her mailing address.  When you give them the back of the business card to fill out, there is already a place for phone number, so most automatically fill in that spot! Easy! AND, you are only servicing her what she wants, not pushing yourself on her!

Now, this might seem like too laid back an approach, however, a less formal and pressured approach will net you MORE in the long run.  The "approach" you use is vitally important in furthering your business. In their minds they are thinking once you walk away from her..."She was nice, and not pushy. I think I'll try this. This looks interesting."  If you go for the "kill" as I call it, and try to book facials or classes immediately, they are offended because they don't even know you!!!
If you notice that no one has registered on-line after about 4-5 days, then say, a week later, call and ask if she had a chance to sample the products yet?  She will tell you yes or no and why. If she seems stand-offish, then let it rest. If she has truly just forgotten, your winning attitude of happiness and demeanor will encourage her to remember and try it!

Now...what will this lead to? By gaining her confidence in you and not feeling the least bit pressured, she will then recommend your name to others in her circle of influence. Women always recommend MK consultants who are not pushy.  Also, it might even open up more your name to someone who needs a consultant etc., telling others that they know a MK consultant who isn't pushy, offering your services to others...(I had a referral CALL ME yesterday.  She was getting her hair done and asked if anyone did makeup for weddings. Her hairdresser gave her my name and number, and this hairdresser is NOT one of my clients, BUT, she knew what I did, had seen me in the shop delivering product to others, and told the client "she's not pushy!" )  Remember all further leads are just by-products of your first encounter. We, as consultants, are so anxious to get to step #10, we forget we have to make step #1 successful. If we don't succeed in getting them to like us and accept us at first impression.....we will NEVER get anything else!

Now, you know Susie's whole philosophy on booking.  Yes, it is a longer process, but I have to brag that my customer base is quite large and I did not know anyone when I moved here.  I know how you're probably feeling, booking was my biggest challenge as a new consultant.  I can honestly say, that if you will be patient in trying this approach, you will be more successful. Remember to 'birth a relationship', develop rapport, then you won't face rejection. Aren't you ready for NO REJECTION?  So....try the slow and steady approach. You'll be glad you did!