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Dealing With No
It's a one word answer. The word "NO." Some people really have a tough time accepting the fact that they are going to hear the word NO fairly often. They get discouraged and feel rejected because they look at the word NO as a negative. Nothing could be further from the truth. The word no simply means that nothing changes. Think about it. You approach your neighbor and ask her to be a hostess, she says NO - what changed? Is she still your neighbor? Yes. Did your income go up or down? NO. Nothing changed. It can't be a negative; to be negative things would have had to get worse, and they didn't. Everything remained exactly the same.

On the other had, suppose she had said YES. Now, there are some positive changes. She received YOUR COMPANY'S INCENTIVE for free (a positive). You gain several more customers, potential hostesses and consultants (another positive), and you earn more money (another positive). You can see by this example that there are no negatives in our business. There are only positives and times when nothing changes.

When someone tells you NO cross out one of the NO's on the bottom of this sheet. Set yourself a Goal of getting all 100 NO's crossed out within the next 30 days (no kidding!!). If you want to see your business explode with growth, take this exercise seriously. Here is a hint that will make this easier. Triple up.

Ask someone to:
Become a Consultant with YOUR COMPANY. If they say NO, cross out NO and ask them to....
Become a Hostess. If they say NO, cross out a second NO and ask them to...
Give a customer referral. If they say no again you have already got three NO's! You will never be better at getting NO's than you are right now.

The more you do this, the tougher it becomes to get those 100 NO's. You will find that a YES will creep in there every once in a while. Don't let the occasional YES distract you from your primary goal of getting those 100 NO's. Imagine the look on your neighbor's face when she tells you NO and you respond, "Gee thanks, I've only got a few more NO's to go and I am finished for the month. I was afraid you were going to say YES there for a minute." Don't take this exercise lightly . . . it works! Get those NO's now while it is still easy for you to do so. Don't wait until it becomes difficult for people to tell you NO! That time will come soon enough.

Get To 100 As Fast As You Can!

NO     NO     NO     NO     NO      NO     NO      NO     NO     NO

NO     NO     NO     NO     NO      NO     NO      NO     NO     NO

NO     NO     NO     NO     NO      NO     NO      NO     NO     NO

NO     NO     NO     NO     NO      NO     NO      NO     NO     NO

NO     NO     NO     NO     NO      NO     NO      NO     NO     NO

NO     NO     NO     NO     NO      NO     NO      NO     NO     NO

NO     NO     NO     NO     NO      NO     NO      NO     NO     NO

NO     NO     NO     NO     NO      NO     NO      NO     NO     NO

NO     NO     NO     NO     NO      NO     NO      NO     NO     NO

NO     NO     NO     NO     NO      NO     NO      NO     NO     NO