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Blizzard Special
by Jil Johnson, Sr. Sales Director

Well, here it is--the perfect day for a MARY KAY BLIZZARD SPECIAL!

You know it happens at least once a year for us. The kids are home from school, the city has slowed to a snails pace and everyone you know is stuck inside their homes. What should you do? Get the kids busy on a project, go shut yourself in your "office" and get ready to make $$'s! If your computer "talks" to can see the WALKING MONEY to the right. That's what we can be today...walking money machines! :0)

OK here is the plan. Get out a Beauty Book, Sales Tickets and your calculator. The dialog to use is as follows:

"Hi Suzy this is Jil Johnson with MK, do you have a minute? Great! Can you believe all this snow? I am calling you today, because my Director with MK has challenged me to have a BLIZZARD SPECIAL today! Here's how it works. If you need at least $25 in MK products today, I get to put your name in my drawing, when I am done making phone calls today, my kids (or I) will draw out a winner, and Suzy if I draw YOUR name, you will get your ENTIRE order for HALF PRICE....whether it is $25 or $250!!! Can you get excited about that? You have better odds of winning with me today than you do playing the Kansas, I come to YOU! What are you running low on that I can help you with?"

Consultants ~ get ready to take their orders, remember your gift with purchase for orders of $40 or more. Have fun. This is a guaranteed money maker! (In the past, I have paid my daughter 1% of my retail sales to keep her brother & herself from coming in the office to interrupt me! Normally I can sell $500+ over a 2-3 hours time frame.)

Important key is NOT to let your conversations last more than 3 minutes ~ unless they are buying like crazy! If your customer begins a friendly conversation...say..

"Oh Suzy, I am going to need to call you back to chat...are you trying to increase your odds of winning by keeping me from calling other ladies!  (HA HA!)"

This dialog works like a charm. My challenge to you is to use it for every bad weather situation.  Your  customers will come to expect it.

Put excitement in your voice, talk a little faster than normal and don't forget to book those seasonal makeovers!