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Follow-up System for Bookings
Please watch this video to learn a follow-up system for bookings. Just 10 calls per day and your booking time is finished!

Proven Booking Method Notes:
4 Scripts based on who you are calling

Start with 30 contacts - friends & family or customer profile cards.

The key is to contact someone at least 5 times...because that is when your booking rate will skyrocket!

2% of sales & bookings happen on the 1st contact
3% on the 2nd contact
4% on the 3rd contact
10% on the 4th contact
81% on the 5th contact or after!!

48% of people give up after their first contact.
24% give up on their 2nd try
12% give up on their 3rd try
6% on their 4th
10% on their 5th.

In a spiral notebook or calendar, put name & # of ten contacts on day 1 of 21. On day 2 of 21 put name &# of next 10 contacts. On day 3 of 21, put name & # of last 10.

On day 1 call the names on your calendar (& leave a message) and then text immediately using a good booking script.

Use a pencil!!!

Highlight in...
Yellow if LM and sent text with no reply
Blue if heard back from them
Pink if booked
Green if interested in business
Orange if spoke with & didn't book

If they don't reply, roll their name to 3 days ahead on your calendar to call & text again. If they don't reply after 3rd & 4th attempts, roll their name ahead 3 days again. Make a 5th & 6th attempt. If they still don't reply, put them in a file to call 2 months from now.

On day 2, call the names on your calendar (& leave a message) and then text immediately using a good booking script.

Roll over any names to the 3rd day if necessary.

On day 3, call the names on your calendar (& leave a message) and then text immediately using a good booking script.

Day 4 will be calling all 10 of your first leads again (unless someone booked or said no). If that happens, fill in your 10 calls with addition leads you have so you're always calling 10.

This system prevents you for making snap judgments, like "nobody's calling me back." Or "this isn't working." These are feelings & thoughts that might make you quit calling sooner than you should.