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Dynasty Audio Training
Listed here are some GREAT audio trainings. Yes, you'll have to listen on your computer, but it is worth it!! You'll learn so much! If you'd like to order these CDs to have available to listen in your car, please contact me and I'll share with you how you can purchase them for about $2 each.

These first several CDs are from our adopted National, Linda. As part of my director experience in the class I took in Louisville, KY, I had to listen to these as homework, and they are outstanding!  Well worth your time to putter near your computer as you listen to these great trainings! Better yet, why not sit down with paper and pencil and take great notes!

Embracing Change
 To save these files to your computer, right click on the file and "save link as" or "save target as".  On your iPhone, press and hold and then save to your reading list.

 Class Procedure

 New! Class Opening--This is an audio training of my skin care class opening, using this outline and these class opening note cards. These have four cards to a page, so you have 3 extras in case you lose the first set! :)
  Welcome and Introductions
  Invite guests to be your customer
  Three Things We're Going To Do and Goodie Bags
  Quick Facts About The Products
  My I Story
  On With The Show

 New! MIllion Dollar Workshop--Excellent Training by an NSD. The first part really works on your attitude, and part 2 is excellent, also!! Worth listening to!