Spouse's Occupation: Barber
What's Been Happening: I did not make it to the reunion in 93 as my previous husband Charles Turner passed away in 91. We had just bought a small mobile home park in Feb of '91 and we were in the process of revamping it. Almost 10 years later I met my present husband, Leon, during a trip to New York City and a couple of years later we started dating. In 2003 we built a house together. What a trying time that was, but we survived and in June, 2006 we decided it was time we made it legal. So we went to Las Vegas and got married.
When I started going with Leon, he had just bought a Kawaski Motorcycle a few months before. He joined a motorcycle club called Goldwing Touring Association. Every year in July they have a national rally somewhere in the U.S. We have been to 5 out of the 6 since we have been together. Last year the rally was in Sioux Falls, SD and while we were there, we ended up buying a trike, which we really like, so that has been our hobby.
So that is what I have been up to the last several years.