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About Us
Bill's Story 
Bill was born in Waterloo, N.Y., on March 11, 1945.  He moved often during his childhood, attending 8 grade schools and 3 high schools.  He has one brother, Mark, and his surviving parents, Bill & Kay Scott, still living in Columbus, Ohio.

During the summer of 1962, he was invited by Lee Smith, the Osborne American Legion baseball coach, to spend the summer in Osborne with Bill's grandparents, and pitch for the Osborne team.  Bill had often come to Osborne for a couple of weeks to visit his grandparents, Mac & Grace McQuillen, during many summers in the past.
After the first baseball game Bill pitched, the team and fans gathered at the local ice cream hangout and Bill spotted a beautiful blond.  They were introduced and Bill and Nancy Kaser became “soul-mates”.  Bill asked his parents if he could remain in Osborne for his senior year. He and Nancy graduated from Osborne High School in 1963, earned scholarships at Fort Hays State University, were married in August of 1965 and graduated from FHSU in May of 1967.  Bill also earned his MS from FHSU in 1970.

They both taught (and Bill coached) in Stockton, Quinter, Waconda East (Cawker City), and WaKeeney.  In 1968, their daughter, Lisa, was born and Brian was born in 1971.  Nancy and Bill taught in the WaKeeney school system for 29 years.  Bill was offered a teaching position in the chemistry and physics departments at Fort Hays State in the fall of 1999 and began his new career.  Nancy continued to teach in the primary grades until her untimely death from a pulmonary embolism in March of 2005.  They have two grandchildren, Megan (Lisa's daughter, Hays, KS) and Trey, (Brian & Kathy's son, Manhattan, KS).
Bill's Senior Picture
In October of 2005, Bill met Donna Bayes for lunch at the Red Lobster, in Salina KS.  Bill, being, a chemistry professor, immediately felt “chemistry” between them, and Donna had a positive “reaction” as well.  They became friends and their love continued to grow until Bill proposed in April of 2006.  The plans for an August 5th, 2006, wedding began.

Bill foresees a wonderful future for them, building new memories, while sharing and continuing to appreciate and honor their pasts, and bringing happiness and love to each other for the rest of their lives.  They are beginning new chapters in their books of life, and with God's continued guidance, they are excited about the joys they will share from this blessed union.
Donna's Story

For her first eight years, Donna lived on a farm south of Osborne, KS, with her mom and dad, Evea Jane and Richard Sigle, and her four brothers--Arris, Larry, Scott, and Garry. When she was in the second grade, her family moved to Osborne to attend "town school." Her dad continued to farm and her mom taught 5th grade.
When she was a 7th grader, she entered the halls of Osborne High School with the rest of the 7th and 8th graders--little peons in a sea of upper classmen. The junior high and high school students shared the same halls, the same classrooms, the same teachers, and the same schedule. Of course, the junior high students knew all the older students, yet the older students knew very few of the lowly junior high students. And so, Donna "knew" Bill Scott. She stood just a few students behind him in the lunch line each day, since the students were required to file through in alphabetical order. She watched him play basketball. She was with her mom when Bill carried out their groceries from McFarland's Grocery Store. And she watched Bill and Nancy holding hands as they walked down the street. She admired him from a distance for the kind and friendly way he treated everyone. She admired him because he was a high school hunk! But, of course, Bill had no clue who Donna was.

When Donna was in high school, she took organ lessons and guitar lessons from Bill's grandparents who would often talk about Bill and Nancy and how proud they were of them. Donna graduated from high school in 1968 and from Kansas State University in 1972. She married Dan Bayes in 1971 and taught 6th grade for 3 years in Wamego.

Donna's 7th Grade Pic
The John Denver song, Rocky Mountain High, was a hit and Dan and Donna got the itch to move to Denver. Donna again taught 6th grade in the Denver Public Schools. When her son Matt was born in 1976, she retired from teaching. Fifteen months later she began her current career as a Mary Kay beauty consultant. When her daughter Rebekah was born in 1980, Donna began pursuing directorship in Mary Kay. She has enjoyed that position since 1981.

After 26 years of marriage, Donna moved to Salina nine years ago as a single woman. She continued to work as a Senior Sales Director with Mary Kay. She enjoyed her kids, her girlfriends, her customers, and her consultants.

Deciding she needed to make some changes in her life, she learned to golf last summer, thinking it would be a good "elderly" thing to do, and even made plans to move to Oklahoma City to be nearer to her daughter. After removing the "For Sale" sign three times from her yard, she finally decided she wasn't supposed to move. A few weeks later, Bill called Donna for the first time and asked her out on a date. How fun it was for them to discover that they both had a common background way back in Osborne, KS. And what a bonus it was to find out that Bill is an avid golfer.

The songs that Donna and Bill each selected to be sung at their wedding have special meaning to them--they each reflect how they feel about their relationship. Listen carefully to the words of the two songs during the wedding, and you'll understand how these two people feel about each other and their future together.