Seminar Certificates
by Donna Bayes Scott
Certificates in 3 Forms -
Publisher Files, Canva Files, and a few in PDF
This is probably the last year I will upload Publisher files, since Microsoft is no longer supporting this software. I would suggest you learn to use Canva. It is very easy. Just create a free account at You will love it!
If you don't have Publisher to edit these, there are also PDFs that you can fill out yourself. So scroll down to find them. Plus, this year, I've also added Canva templates.
Here are the certificates I made to use this year for recognition.
When you open up Publisher, note if a window comes up that talks about missing fonts. If it does, that means that I've used a font that you don't have on your computer. If that is the case, it won't look exactly like I intended. I used Kunstler Script font for the consultant name, the date, and my name. And I used Tahoma for the title. If you don't have these fonts, find another pretty one that fits in the text box. (You could do a google search for the font I used and then install it on your computer. That's what I do when I'm missing a font.)
If you want to personally sign them, then just leave that text box empty.
These Publisher certificates are completely editable, from the title to each text box. To edit the title of the certificate, click on the title to activate the text box and then open Word Art editor (that button is usually found at the very left side of the icon ribbon) if you want the title to read something else. Put your cursor in each text box to edit these--name, amount, ect.
Here is an example of what they should look like for this year:
Canva Templates - (recommended)
I've put all the certificates into Canva. If you know how to edit Canva (there are lots of tutorials online), then you may like the Canva templates. Especially if you do not have Publisher.
Here is a VIDEO to show you how to edit the dertificates in Canva: Click here
PDF Files for those who don't have Publisher - although I'd suggest using Canva! (for ideas to use, check below for explanations)
Publisher Files (if you need technical help, click here) It's my understanding that Microsoft is no longer supporting Publisher. This may be my last year to upload Publisher files. I suggest you learn to use Canva. It's much easier for me and for you!
IMPORTANT: If you are having trouble downloading the publisher files, try this work-around,
RIGHT click on the link and choose "Open Link in New Window."
That will open another browser window. Then put your cursor at the end of the address and hit the enter key. That should download it to the botton left.
Watch the video if you need more help.
Queen Certificates
Queen of Achievement--this is most sales submitted on weekly accomplishment sheets throughout the year
Top 10 Certificates
Top 5 Certificates
Court Certificates
Retail Club Certificates--I like to have the amount on the certificate, so they know what they have to do next year to increase. These are totally editable. If you need higher than $10,000, just click on the title and edit the text in Word Art.
Extra Seminar Certificates
Star Consultant--I give this to everyone who was a star during the past year, noting the number of stars (ex: 2 Quarters—Sapphire)
Website Participation--You can find out who has a website by checking Reports on Intouch--Unit Internet Membership
Classiest Consultant--the consultant who has held the most classes during the past year. (change name of unit to your unit.)
Back to Basics--the consultant who has sold the most basics in the past year. (Change name of unit to your unit.)
* Better Than Ever--those consultants who wholesaled more this year than last year
* Highest % Increase--those consultants who had the highest percentage of increase from last year, based on their wholesale ordering. Look below to see how to figure it.
*Some consultants increased just a few dollars and are "better than ever," but basically didn't increase their business much. But I like to recognize those consultants who really increased their business by 13% or more. Often the #1 consultant in Highest Increase is someone who least expects it! A consistant growth is what I like to see.
On the other hand, sometimes my queens aren't recognized in the better than ever and highest increase, because they did not increase! And that is eye opening, too.
Be sure to save in a Seminar folder your June report, so that you have the figures next year to figure Better Than Ever and Highest % Increase. My preference is the report from Intouch called "Court of Personal Sales" under Contests & Promotions. If you click on the words Consultant Name, which is underlined, it will sort all of your unit members alphabetically. Just to be on the safe side, be sure to save your December report also, because sometimes consultants reactivate and you need to know what their totals were from the year before.
Figuring % Increase: Subtract last year's retail from this year's retail and divide by last year's retail.
Example: 2006 Retail is $6000; 2007 Retail is $7000.
$7000 minus $6000 equals $1000. $1000 divided by $6000 equals 16.66% increase